Tuesday, October 9, 2007

UFO Scare in Sussex

Masses of mysterious red lights have sparked another UFO riddle.

More than 60 of the glowing orbs were spotted throbbing and hovering above Uckfield on Saturday night.

Resident Jamie Smith, 20, from London Road, thought the town was about to be invaded by aliens.

He said: "It was like something out of Space Invaders.

"My dad said to come out into the garden and what I saw was the amazing thing I've ever seen.

"There were at least 60 of these lights right above us, all in close formation. There was no way they were planes or anything like that.

"Then they moved off and just two remained. Then they too totally disappeared."

Mr Smith said the lights hovered for around five minutes before zooming off.

It the latest in a series of UFO sightings reported by readers of The Argus.

Recently published Ministry of Defence records show that between 1998 and 2006 there were 52 reports of UFOs flying over Sussex.