Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Boeing 'Flying Saucer' UFO Prototype...or Hype?

I found this item on eBay this morning...anybody have information on this? I posted the owner's item description below:

For all you believers out there, this is the closest thing you will ever find to proof that flying saucers do exist.

Here is what I can say for sure....

This model was produced by Boeing in Seattle and was acquired from the remnants of Boeing surplus.

It was sold by a disgruntled employee who was told to get it off his desk because it was a safety hazard, (that's Boeing for you).

Construction appears to be carbon fiber with a solid brass base used for all custom Boeing prototype models.

My contacts at Boeing is an engineer responsible for a certain aspect of testing (1 of 3) at Boeing and who possessed a national security clearance refused to confirm or deny the existence of an actual prototype.

Internet searches provided very curiously similar construction photographs, reportedly of a heat shield.

The saucer call letters correspond to a user name in German active in aeronautical news groups as does the Lauda Air insignia. (the latter fact seemed to make my contact squirm a little in his chair when I told him)

That is all I know, you be the judge...but it sounds like part of a military industrial complex conspiracy to me.

NOTE: The seller included an image of the heat shield for NASA’s Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle that Boeing developed the past few years. I'm sure the seller hyped most of the description in order to sell this 'prototype'...nonetheless, it's an interesting piece that I have not seen before...Lon

Boeing 'Flying Saucer' UFO Prototype...or Hype?


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