Monday, August 16, 2010

Reader Mail: Shadow Person, Unknown Creature and a Haunting

The following emails were recently received by me:

Hi, Lon, just wanted to tell you what I saw Friday night. I was out in my back yard, sitting a little bit off my back porch. It was warm, but there was a really nice breeze that night. I had shut off our outside security light, and I was just sitting in a lawn chair, enjoying the breeze. It was around 11:30 at night. Our next door neighbors are on vacation, and I've been watching their house for them. They live on the corner, and there is a street light at the edge of their property that lights up their yard really well. The only part that is mostly dark is the side of their detached garage. The streetlight is so bright that even with my security light off, it lights up half of our property. (We have a double lot.)

I was looking at the sky, when I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. I saw what I thought was a person squatting down, then getting up and moving around my neighbors trash cans that are on the dark side of the garage, towards my home. I watched for a few minutes as what I thought was a person kept moving around. I had my cell phone, and I pulled up the number of the local police department so I could call them if this person looked like they were out to rob my neighbors. The shadow began moving, and it went past the garage into the light I realized with horror that there was no person attached to the shadow, it was just a big black shadow. It was much larger than a real man would be, around 7-8 feet tall. (Our neighbor is 6'6, and I see how tall he is up against his garage, and whatever this was was at least a foot taller than him, maybe a bit bigger.)

I gasped out loud, and it turned towards me. I was so scared that I couldn't even move. The shadow suddenly started lurching through the neighbor's yard, like it was coming for me. I jumped up off the chair, got tangled in it and fell. I glanced over at this thing as I tried to get up. It seemed as if the noise stopped it for a second. I jumped up and ran right into the house. Our door has a window, and as I was shutting the door, this shadow thing appeared in the yard right next to the overturned chair. It stood there for a few moments, and I swear it was actually looking at me, even though it had no facial features. Then it suddenly took off, and vanished from the part of the yard I could see. My husband died 4 years ago, and I live with my 14 and 19 year old daughters. They were watching TV, so I snuck past them upstairs and looked out all the windows. I didn't see this thing anywhere in the yard. I stayed upstairs for a while because I knew by looking in the mirror that I looked like a crazy woman and I didn't want to scare my daughters. I didn't tell them what I saw, because I didn't want them to be scared too. I didn't sleep much that night, nor Saturday or last night either! I don't know what this was, but it scared the heck out of me!

No name provided

NOTE: My best guess is that it was a so-called 'shadow person' type entity which, for the most part, remains unexplained. There are theories that these are simply spirits that have found a way to materialize into a dark shadowy figure...other conjectures are that these are evil entities that wish to cause harm. Hopefully the readers can give you some direction on your sighting...Lon


Hello there Lon,

It came to interest me about how you can send in your own story about a close encounter or possibly something unusual.

So I have a story my mother told me a long time ago about encountering a creature (which of course I was really skeptical about) when she was roughly 25-26 years old. (Now 55)

She recently told me the story again and it was still the same way she told me when I was 15-16 which then made me believe, what if it was true? And if it is true, What was it?

When my mother was still living in Vietnam, she was very poor like every working Vietnamese citizen there. People worked hard to try to earn money or at the very least get enough food to survive the rough lifestyle of Vietnam. Back then, My mother told me it was a very shady place to live. People died easily because of starvation or health problems occurred which killed many hard working people. Another way many people died was how citizens were forced to go to different areas of Vietnam to work. My mother was soon one of the many who had to be forced to go elsewhere.

That very same night when she was soon to leave, her brother managed to tell her about a boat that was to be used to escape Vietnam and head away from there. At least a dozen people (including my Mother and Uncle) got on a boat and headed out from Hà Tiên towards Thailand.

That night, when the dozen escaped, they celebrated and rejoiced by drinking and eating on the boat through the first night. Through the 2nd or 3rd day, their engine broke and was now traveling where the water took them. Through the 4th day of being on water, they barely had any supplies and soon the group began to think they would all die with little water and food.

My mother doesn't know what day this was during the 1 week of being out at sea before reaching Thailand but this is when the encounter with the creature occurred.

My mother also didn't tell me what time of day it was, but it was bright enough to be able to see the creature in the water. (during mid day?)

As the boat was still moving through the force of the water, my mother noticed a very big creature close to the boat. She described the creature to be "gray" in color and also very big. She told me that the creature must of been much bigger than the boat they were in considering it was right beside them. (Picture of supposed boat size included)

Also, my mother explained to me that the creature didn't move at all when my mother looked at the body of the creature, it just stayed in the shallow water. Surprisingly, I asked her if she saw a face, tail or anything else that could define it. But she told me that her friend grabbed her and told her not to look in case something bad were to occur. Another interesting detail my mother told me was that she felt, if the creature were to move, even it's tail if it did have one, she thought the boat would definitely flip or possibly destroy the boat. I asked my Mom what you thought it could have been and the first thing that came up in her mind was "Fish".

But I know in my own conscience, it couldn't have been a fish. So I also asked her if the body of the creature was smooth, and she responded, "Yes". After the next couple days, the dozen managed to make it to Thailand and never saw that creature again.

So in my own thoughts, I had to rule it out that it was no fish, and if somehow in the world, if it is a fish, it's definitely a unique one with a smooth gray body and no scales.

Also, if my mother did see its entire body, there was definitely no top fins on the creature which almost wants me to rule out it was no shark, but it could of been a bit deeper to not reveal its top fin?

I'm also not too sure what creatures lurk in the South China Sea and if they even have any big sea creatures.

I wanted to come up with a possibility it was a whale or shark but to get so close to a boat, wouldn't the creatures get scared? Also it stood still in the water for a while, I don't exactly know if sharks have the tendency to do that. Whales on the other hand, maybe? Even for a Fish, Definitely no way it could be one.

I was hoping I could get some answers on what it may of or could of been. If you guys get this, hopefully you guys can fill me in with anything that is related to this.

Appreciate it.

NOTE: It was most likely a whale though I'm not familiar with the species that inhabit the South China Sea. Maybe the readers can offer some suggestions...Lon


Hi Lon. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I was in touch with you last year via e-mail with regards to strange things that had been going on in our house. I can't quite remember if it was you I had sent some pictures to or not as it's been a long time.

I won't go into too much detail here in case I don't have the right person. The person I was in touch with last year said perhaps they could help me out with getting rid of whatever it is that's living here in this house with us. I have my daughter and her nine month old baby living here with us as well as her five month old dog. The dog has been looking around a lot and growling at something that we can't see. My daughter found one of her babies' pacifiers stuck up underneath his high-chair, when the last place she saw it was in his crib.

Yesterday we went out for awhile and later on that night, we discovered the baby's bib wrapped up in the roll up blind as I went to put it down. How it got there, no one knows. We have an alarm system on our house, so no one is getting into our house while we're away. I won't make this a long e-mail, in case I've got the wrong person.

Please tell me what I should do, I'm a Christian and a follower of God, and this is disturbing to me and I'm afraid especially for the baby. We did have a pastor come here and bless the house once already, but things haven't stopped. The lady who owned this house before we bought it died here and the last owner lost his wits. My husband and I separated for four months last year and I left. As soon as I was away from here, I began to feel better and healthier, but since I've returned, I've not been well...but strangely enough, it only seems to be me that seems to be getting sick and I end up with some unexplained bruises on my body sometimes when I wake up in the morning. Once again these things seem to only happen to me. I would really like your help / input about this. Thanks for your time.


NOTE: I don't remember conversing with Tina previously so she may have me confused with someone else. Nonetheless, she seems to be experiencing a haunting that is directed towards her that only attacks while she is in the house. I directed her to the Spirit Rescue International Haunted Help Forum. I don't know if she took advantage of their valuable services...Lon

Reader Mail: Shadow Person, Unknown Creature and a Haunting