Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crop Circle Duo Appear in Berkshire - UPDATED

dailymail - Drivers speed along one of Britain's busiest motorways completely oblivious to the Holy presence that surrounds them.

For two crop circles depicting the face of Jesus Christ have appeared on either side of the M4 near Hungerford in Berkshire.

The two almost identical circles, both 250ft in diameter, seem to portray Jesus Christ in an image resembling the world famous Shroud of Turin.

The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the cloth used to cover Christ at the time of his burial and the face on the shroud is believed to be the face of Jesus himself.

Crop circle expert, Karen Alexander, said: 'These circles are causing quite a stir in the crop circle community. The last time a face appeared as a crop circle was in 2002 when an alien face appeared at Sparsholt in Hampshire. Farmers whose land is used to make the circles worry that they will be inundated with visitors seeking a religious experience.'

But with the Harvest Festival approaching, they may regard the crops in the fields of wheat as a good omen.

NOTE: the general feeling is that these crop circles depict an abstract Christ (the Shroud of Turin image)...I don't really see it. But I suppose those of faith can interpret it differently...Lon

UPDATE: the two designs superimposed give the image of the Shroud of Turin. Watch video...

Click for the video

Thanks to Simon and David for the heads up on the video!

Crop Circle Duo Appear in Berkshire - UPDATED

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