Thursday, February 10, 2011

Readers Respond: “Alien” Tumors / Implants

I received a few very interesting emails in reference to my post - Review: “Alien” Tumors / Implants:


I am writing to tell you of what my wife has gone through. She had a tumor between her shoulder blades that she could feel moving under her skin. When the tumor was removed it weighed 30 pounds and had tentacles and was moving on its own. The doctor said it was a lypoma tumor. The only other thing that she was told is that they shipped it to the Mayo Clinic. My wife has had abduction experiences in her past. I am almost 100% certain that the so called tumor that she had was a direct result of those experiences. Thank you very much for the informative post as it has showed the both of us that she is not alone.

Sincerely, EF


Hi there,

I wanted to write and share my one of my experiences and perhaps see if anyone knew of anything like it.

You know, I've had so many similar experiences it's difficult to relate them. Especially since, many times, I just get "weirded out" and tired of trying to figure it out, or embarrassed by speaking about something that's happened that no one understands and so I deliberately force myself not to think about it. So here goes!

I had an experience many years ago in broad daylight with my then sister-in-law and many neighbors where we all watched an extremely large UFO for over an hour as it passed over from north to south, from the mountains north of San Bernardino, CA, over Riverside, and continued south. We were sitting on my apartment balcony waiting for our husbands to come home from work one summer day and noticed a strange looking dark cloud in the distance. The sky was clear except for this one huge, dark cloud. We watched as it moved fairly quickly from far to near and tried to figure out why it was there. The appearance, sound, altitude, speed, and direction of movement were all anomalous. It was black as a thundercloud and flashed ocassionally but as it got closer, it was clearly lit from within with a strange pulsing yellow orange light and bright flashes, like lightning but there was no thunder afterwards. It only "hummed" loudly with a very deep resonance. It looked almost identical to a huge storm cloud but at the same time not "normal". From my experience of watching aircraft and falling bodies all day in my skydiving days I would say it was pretty low in the sky, maybe 2000 feet at most. It was surrounded by vapor that roiled around the body and drifted at the edges but never dissipated like a real cloud. The appearance was like an imitation of a cloud, with the exception of the low, loud hum and didn't fit with the weather which was dry, hot, and with just the beginning of the usual evening breeze that blew in from the coast, west to east. We talked and watched the thing along with our neighbors in the complex who stopped to watch also. Some people were pulling into the parking lot from work and as they noticed us staring, they would join us and discuss it too before going about their business. We turned on the news to see if anything was being mentioned since this object was probably the size of a small block and so many were watching it. Nothing ever was reported. It was so strange but at the same time no one seemed at all troubled by it! We mentioned as we discussed it that even if we reported it, we'd never find out what it was and it would be pointless so why bother!

I sometimes think about it though and wonder what it was. Maybe someone else has seen it also or something like it. The year was between 1987 and 1989 because of where I lived, I'm thinking probably 1987. I was in Riverside, CA at the time. Because it was coming from the high desert area I just assumed it was something the military was doing but, man, it was just gigantic and why would it look like a cloud? One thing I always thought about too is the huge number of people I knew who were present at the time who became seriously ill shortly after, including myself and my sister-in-law. She developed a form of thyroid disease that I can't recall now but it caused her eyes to bulge terribly and I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. My youngest daughter who was at home and present has thyroid disease also, while my oldest who wasn't in the area is not affected. Several children in the area developed rheumatoid arthritis or other serious illnesses, like seizure disorders, also. Weird.

Regards, LAF



Four years ago I experienced a horrific alien abduction that lasted 3 days. Several weeks after the incident I noticed that I had a very stiff neck when I would wake in the morning. Eventually, the pain increased to the point where it bothered me all the time. I went to my physician and had X-rays and a CAT scan where it was determined that a foreign object that was made of a metallic material was embedded in vertebrae very near my spinal cord

To make a long story short, I had surgery to remove the object. The surgery was performed at the Long Beach VA Hospital in California. I had requested that the object be preserved because I wanted to have it analyzed. I was told that the object was 'lost' after surgery but I was later told by an attending nurse that it was immediately shipped off to an Army research facility. She said that she got a look at the object which was about a half inch in length and was made of a black colored metal. She also said that the object was difficult to capture during surgery and seemed to 'move' away from the surgical instruments.

I am interested in other experiences and thoughts. I would like some answers. Thank you, CF

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