Thursday, May 5, 2011

This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio: Starchild Project Researcher Lloyd Pye

This week Eric and Lon welcome long time researcher Lloyd Pye to the program to discuss his ongoing research into the Starchild Project.

Lloyd Pye is a researcher, author, and lecturer, known for his entertaining speaking style and amusing "Southernisms." His subject areas include Intervention Theory, Hominoids (bigfoot, yeti, etc.), human origins, and the Starchild Skull.

While pursuing a career writing fiction, Lloyd was indulged a deeply personal interest in hominoids (bigfoot, yeti, etc.). By 30 he was convinced they were the indigenous bipedal primates of planet earth, and that what science told us were “pre” humans were nothing of the kind. They were the ancestors of today’s living hominoids, not of today’s humans, but he had no plausible way to explain how humans had come to be here. Lloyd knew we weren’t a part of the flowchart of natural life on Earth, and that we clearly didn’t evolve here in the way mainstream science insisted, but he couldn’t find a valid way to support his position.

Finally, at 45, Lloyd read Zecharia Sitchin’s classic book about Sumerian prehistory, The Twelfth Planet, which he published in 1976 but which he didn’t find out about until 1990. His translation of Sumerian history written in cuneiform on stone tablets provided an explanation for human origins that made rational sense based on what I had learned about the reality of hominoids. Lloyd had the front end of his work and he had the back end of mine, so he knew he could combine the two and create something unique and valuable. In late 1997 he published "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (EYKIW), which became a proverbial “overnight sensation.”

Through 1998, Lloyd traveled all over the U.S. and into western Canada lecturing about it at dozens of conferences and speaking about it in many radio interviews. Lloyd had some appearances on local TV shows. Lloyd's increasing exposure brought to the attention of Ray and Melanie Young of El Paso, Texas, who were in possession of an unusual human-like skull. They showed it to me early in 1999 and asked my opinion. Lloyd felt it was almost certainly a human deformity of some kind, but he told them it couldn’t hurt anything to be absolutely sure. They asked if I would confirm that for them, and I said I’d be happy to.

That set in motion on on-going series of events as Lloyd attempted to definitively determine the genetic heritage of their unusual relic, since dubbed the Starchild Skull. He has shepherded the Starchild through more than a decade of scientific tests, expert analysis, raised public awareness, and have published both a printed book and an eBook about it. After all that, a recent DNA test finally gave a preliminary but convincing result that the Starchild Skull is part human and part nonhuman. Now he plan to recover its entire genome to prove this radical assertion beyond any possible doubt. has more information about this topic.

Whenever the Starchild case is over, Lloyd intends to refocus on my other career as a researcher of the Intervention Theory of human origins, and as a proponent of hominoid reality. Lloyd intends to continue teaching those who decide to enroll in the "Invisible College" of students who care more about establishing actual truths than they do about protecting ossified dogma. Visit Lloyd's websites and for more information on Lloyd Pye and the Star Child Project.

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