Friday, July 27, 2007

Bigfoot Sighting Recalled


I am writing this letter in regard to the Bigfoot coverage, and yes I did see Bigfoot, or a I guess that’s what they call this huge, hairy apeman.

I went to Marquette to meet with the (BFRO) research people, hoping to get some answers on what I saw. It was exciting to finally talk to people who believe this creature exits. But after talking to them, I realized none of them ever saw his face. But I did.

I was about 17 years old when I saw this apelike creature and to me it seemed like a prehistoric apeman. That’s what my impression was. It stood there on the side of the road and looked right at me, like a deer would when you drive upon one, and when the headlights hit the eyes. They glare red.

It was such an eerie feeling, almost like it wasn’t real. But it was there. He then turned and disappeared into the woods (as I sped by in fear). My whole body was shaking, like I couldn’t believe even myself, what I just saw. Nobody ever believed me.

Now I’m 43 years old, and I really don’t care if anyone believes me because I know I got to see something so rare and prehistoric or even extinct. I’ll always remember it.

I don’t believe you can track down or hunt a creature such as this. It would be like hunting for an alien — impossible. It finds you, or you just happen to see it, because I think it doesn’t want to be seen.

Are there really beings out there that do exist? If so, where do they hide.

Are they so primitive that they never want to be seen, only by mistake? We don’t really know what this creature is. But I believe it does exist, and I saw it here in the U.P. of Michigan.

Sylvi Carrington

Bark River, MI