Wednesday, February 9, 2011

MUFON CMS: Entity / Alien Being Reports

I was browsing through the MUFON Case Management System and noticed a few recent entity reports. I have also included a few past entity reports that I have not posted previously. A lot of strangeness in these accounts:

MUFON CMS - Michigan - October 2006 - unedited: I was followed by a vehicles bearing U.S. Govt plates when I lived in Florida in 2004 and was followed every day. My wife and other family members seen this as well.It has to do with what I was investigating. I moved to Michigan in 2005 and I kept being followed there to. My wife's family in MI said to me "what did you get yourself into"? In October of 2006 I found myself being followed out of the Lake Orion, MI Library.

I was traveling at 45 MPH the vehicle behind me was traveling at same rate of speed.I sped up and started speeding at 80 MPH and turned around going towards the vehicle,in my lane of course. The vehicle pulled off the road, and I stopped in my lane next to it.I made eye contact with a woman for like 8 to 10 seconds, then a gold illuminating like dust started appearing engulfing her body going slowly in a counter clockwise direction and in seconds,she was gone.

I have had these visions/thoughts since this encounter in which I cant explain.My life has not been the same since then.I only reported this to Mr.Bill Birnes of UFO Magazine,and he suggested I report this to a man named Maximillian DeLalafayette. I have not contacted him yet,I wanted to report it to your agency first.

It is scary to have visions/thoughts of the past and future of humanity. I have kept silent on this since 2006. I just thought who would believe me.Some of the visions/thoughts from the past include Earth being nothing but "an animal planet,and an asteroid did not take out the dinosaurs,aliens did,and they took the DNA from the chimpanzee and mixed it with theirs and made a hybrid race.

They are here on Earth now,and have been since their creation of humanity.I know what they want from us for the future.


MUFON CMS - Wisconsin - 2/8/2011 - unedited: I have and intense passion for anything other-wordly. I've had several sightings within the past year and the very first one pushed me into making UFO chasing a hobby. Tonight I wasn't even looking really. Tonight's purpose was to console my best friend who is going through a rough time at the moment. We did some back country driving and venting and out of the corner of my Eye I spotted it (a small gold colored orb) . I pointed it out to my friend (who is also interested in this hobby) and she was amazed. It hovered still as if it might be observing. I flashed my brights at it and then it took off with great speed. It was gone. No where to be seen. So out of curiosity I decided to go in the direction where it went. It appeared again as a bright star and the closer we got to it, it drifted away but still remained the same size and shape but it still seemed like one of them "door at the end of the tunnel" situations. Once we reached an intersection we finally caught up to it. It sat stationary over a large field with no trees or houses. At this point we noticed that it had a pulsating bright red light along with the white light. It did not blink like and air plane would. very lovely. I decided to take a right down another road because I could not go straight toward it since the road cut off at the intersection. I turned around on a whim and noticed that the object was now following us!!! gleee!!! I found a driveway and turned around to face it and then it started going back in the other direction. I was a little upset by this and then out of curiosity I turned my brights off. After that it stopped and sat there. I get the feeling that whatever it was wasnt very fond of bright lights. This ufo friend hung around for the majority of the a watcher. Very interesting and fun indeed.

second sighting of the evening: This one stands out the most to me and is also very important to me because this is a new style of sighting and one of the most interesting that I've seen. After playing tag with the first one we noticed 3 dim orbs off in the distance that slowly inched toward each other. They were horizontal in the horizon and resembled a formation that of Orions belt. The second orb and the third orb came together with the first orb and created one very large and very very bright orb! The orb would grow dim and very bright....dim and very bright....And than disappeared completely.

After this we stopped at a gas station and then decided to head back home. On the way home we were followed by two of these orbs up until about a few miles from home.

Folks of southern wisco....someone had to have seen this least id hope so...people seem to take the sky for granted these days and tend to keep their head down but never upward toward the possibilities....but there are a handful of you out there with an open mind...Don't be afraid to come forward if you've seen anything tonight as well.


MUFON CMS - California - January 2011 - unedited: I have always been different. Many say I am an Indigo. I am not sure I was abducted, I don't have lucid memory of any abduction. Here is what happened:

Several nights in a row within one week in January 2011 I had the feeling of someone grabbing my ankles in bed. Some of the times when I was clearly awake. One night when this happened I looked out my large bedroom wall window to see about 5 fast flashes of light and then I experienced a loud multi-tonal ring in my ears for about 30 seconds.

I have seen what I thought was craft 3 times in my life. In childhood there was a time I went for a walk in the woods with a friend (we were 12) and were scared and ran back home to be reprimanded for being gone so long. We thought we were away from home only a short period of time.

I am curious to hear your input. Since the last experience happened this month I have had a heightened sixth sense (more than normal), and a sudden obsession with ETs. When I see certain photos of aliens I feel unexplainable deep compassion mixed with some fear. There are also 2 windows in my home that I won't walk by at night by myself, just those 2, I am afraid of, no others. Also, suddenly, I feel like I am part of something large going on. I feel a strong sense of duty.

If so inclined, your input would be appreciated.


MUFON CMS - Michigan - 6/11/2010 - unedited:
I have no photos of the event because it occurred in my dream (if it was a dream). I remember lying awake in my and turning over on my stomach. my bed is next to my wall. The next thing I remember, this is in my "dream", I wake up; I can't move as I'm on my stomach and my bed is in the middle of my room. I look around and see 7 figures standing around me. Each of them are wearing a black trench coat type clothing or robe, and their fingers are somewhat tentacle like. I remember starting to feel terrified for some reason as they looked at me and I was telling myself to wake up but could not. This went on for at least 4-5 minutes. Finally, I "wake up" but I'm on my back, instead of my stomach, and my bed was moved an inch or so from where it was earlier. I've never woken up so terrified in my life. EVER. I can still remember the dream as if it were yesterday. Never been so vivid and I haven't had the dream since.

Also, before this, I was in the military in Kuwait. It was summer of 2008, I think. Anyways, I was sitting in my truck looking up at the stars and I noticed a bright star that was moving in an odd manner. At first the object was moving fast. Then it slowed, sped up, and slowed down again. After doing that for a few minutes it stopped completely and then it started to get smaller and dimmer. Not more than 2 minutes later, two military jets came into the area and circled around for about 5-10 minutes. The star had disappeared so the jets flew away back to where they came. Can't explain it.


MUFON CMS - New York - 7/2/2007 - unedited: Last week while out at my summer cottage near Lake Erie in Western New York State, I was walking my dog out at about 8:00 p.m. The sun was just beginning to go down behind the trees, casting a beautiful fractured light on the front of the house. In the distance could be heard the sound of my neighbors ATV driving around the undeveloped wetlands adjacent to my property.

Suddenly my dog began acting erratically, pulling on the leash to go back inside and turning his head toward the sky, looking this way and that. I spoke to him asking what was wrong and looked around to see what was disturbing him, other than the noise in the woods. That is when I saw a peculiar winged creature flying from out of the woods across the front of the house.

The creature’s wings were about three inches across. The wings were transparent and rounded at the ends. If you formed a “c” with your thumb and forefinger and then touched your thumb nails together, you would have a rough estimation of the shape of the rear wings of the creature. The wings were not fluttering like a butterfly or vibrating like a dragonfly, which are two common insects in my yard. The creature was gliding, with perhaps a slight vibration.

I only saw the creature for the length of time it took to fly to the end of the house. Once it got beyond the house into the open area of the front yard, it disappeared. My eyes were on it the whole time.

I was not able to see any of its body, just the back wings from below as described above. By the shape of the wings I assumed it was a four winged creature. My thought after the being disappeared was, “That must be what people see when they say they have seen a fairy.”

I felt elated seeing this creature. It was nothing I had ever seen before.

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