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I received the following information from Jeff Gonzalez of the Sanger Paranormal Society / MUFON State Section Director and Field Investigator:
Someone in Oregon while video tapping the eclipse, catches a large white object at 4:36 a:m coming from the North-West and disappearing into the South-East at 4:38 am. While also video tapping the eclipse in Fresno, Calif I caught the same UFO coming from the North-West at 4:40 am then disappearing into the South-East..This object was not a plane or a helicopter and was to low for a satellite. It was bright white with no colored or strobe lights. This thing was HUGE...Possible Mother ship because of the size. No other possible explanation can be found..It was the same craft because the times and direction plus the visual account were a perfect match.....
NOTE: the following video was made the day before the recent eclipse somewhere in Australia. Historically, the UFO activity does seem to pick up in the periods just before, during and after lunar and solar eclipses. Is it because more people are watching the sky during these periods? Most likely. I have also included a video of the sighting in China in 2009... Lon
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Videos: UFO Recorded Over Oregon / Fresno, CA During Lunar Eclipse