Friday, October 1, 2010

Fortean / Oddball News: Cumbria UFO, Space Hotel and Aroused Ghost

Australian Woman Claims Assault By Aroused Ghost

ntnews - A Northern Territory woman is convinced a horny ghost is haunting her home.

Jennifer Mills-Young claims the ghost, named Kevin, once tried to drag her out of bed in the middle of the night.

"I was asleep," she said. "I woke up when someone grabbed my wrist.

"I though, 'Hmmm, hubby wants a bit of romance', when I suddenly remembered he wasn't even at home."

Mrs Mills-Young said she could feel the hand around her wrist trying to pull her up and out of bed.

"The moment I opened my eyes, the grip was gone and the room was empty.

"I yelled at Kevin that he was not welcome in my bedroom and that he couldn't come into bed with me.

"I told him to f*** off and to close the door behind him. A moment later I saw how the bedroom door slowly was closed.

"I jumped up and locked it - not that it makes much of a difference when you're dealing with a ghost."

Ms Mills-Young, her husband Geoff and two children, now aged 19 and 20, are convinced the ghost is lurking in their home in Durack, Palmerston.

She said the family felt "something wasn't right" as soon as they moved into the house two years ago.

"My daughter suddenly felt uncomfortable - she said someone was in her room," Mrs Mills- Young said.

"My daughter believed she had seen my son Aaron sneak out of the back door in the middle of the night.

"She said she saw this tall black shadow standing at the door - but at the time Aaron was hiding behind the computer desk."

Mr Mills-Young said he had been haunted by the shadow of the ghost.

"I saw someone walking past our back door inside our yard which I had locked," he said.

"I jumped up and ran to the door to see what this guy was doing in our yard - and he just vanished."

Mrs Mills-Young said she was the "worst sceptic" when it came to ghosts.


Video: Cumbria Man Capture UFO While Walking Dog

newsandstar - Bob Atkins was using his mobile phone to video his dog as it played in a pool of water at Roanhead on the south Cumbrian coast.

When he later studied the footage he was staggered by what he saw.

The strange event he captured on film lasted barely a second – a second in which a solid looking dark object flashed across the sky at immense speed.

It was only when Bob slowed down the film that he first saw the object clearly. Was it a strange bird?

Perhaps a fault with the camera? Could it even have been some sort a military prototype secretly tested?

Whatever the answer, the images enthralled author Pat Regan, 53, who has written a book about UFO sightings. It includes an account of the Cumbrian incident.

Mr Atkins said: “The object appears in this video for about one second and you have to go into freeze frame to actually see what it is as in normal play it just appears as four black flashes on the screen.

“This was captured on July 23, 2009 at 3.49pm.

“In that one second the last few frames are the few that I think are most significant.

“While filming this at the point where the phenomenon appeared I was facing approximately north.”

Mr Regan said he carefully checked the footage and concluded the unidentified object was a “solid entity” with a shiny, light upper surface and darker underside.

He said: “The speed is impressive too and I would estimate the altitude of the object to be something around less than 100ft,” he said.

“I believe that we can discount popular sceptical claims for things like camera error, mainly because the UFO takes on a solid obese, saucer-shaped outline and appears to bank over when travelling from right to left in Bob’s film.

“The glossy top surface on the UFO shows as it goes out of sight towards the left of the screen.

“It also seems to be flying much too fast and low to be any type of recognised aircraft.

“Some may suggest that the unknown object was perhaps a large insect or bird.

“But on closer inspection of the footage this seems highly improbable. This may leave two distinct possibilities.

“Did Bob inadvertently capture footage of an undisclosed military prototype aircraft, or aerial vehicle or are we witnessing a mysterious craft of an extraterrestrial nature?”

Click for video


'Iron Man' Design Suits For U.S. Troops

telegraph - The XOS2 suit - pronounced "exos" - produced by US defence technology firm Raytheon Sarcos allows the user to carry 70kg with apparently little or no effort and punch through four planks of wood at once.

The exoskeleton has been designed with two applications in mind: firstly, the combat variant, which is a waist-down suit intended for use supporting heavy backpacks; and, secondly, the logistics version, which is a full suit intended to be used by personnel carrying water, supplies and ammunition boxes or tank shells.

Raytheon test engineer Rex Jameson said: "If you push at the boards (planks), you are, like, "I'm never going to be able to do that" but then you walk up and do it and away they go."

Iron Man actor Clark Gregg, who plays Agent Phil Coulson in the films, was given the opportunity to try the suit at the firm's research lab in Salt Lake City, Utah, last week.

He said: "It's the closest thing we have at the moment to the Iron Man suit. That it's becoming real so quickly is remarkable."

The XOS2 is the second prototype of the model, which has been made more fuel efficient. The firm expect to release a version of the suit which is "tethered" first, which means it is attached to its power source permanently, before improvements are made to allow the wearer full independence of movement.

Dr Fraser Smith, the firm's vice-president of operations, said: "We would expect them to appear in theatre [war zones] probably in about five years for the tethered version and perhaps three to five after that for the untethered version."

In the Iron Man films, with Robert Downey Jr in the eponymous role based on the Marvel Comics character, a power suit allows the wearer virtually unlimited strength and the ability to fly.


Russian Company Unveils 'Space Hotel' Plans

BBC - Orbital Technologies says its "comfortable" four-room guest house could be in orbit by 2016, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reports.

Guests would be ferried to the hotel on a Soyuz shuttle of the type used to transport cosmonauts to the International Space Station (ISS).

The Moscow-based firm did not reveal how the hotel would be built or funded.

Up until now space tourists, such as American businessman Dennis Tito, have squeezed into the cramped ISS, alongside astronauts and their experiments.

The new hotel would offer greater comforts, according to Sergei Kostenko, chief executive of Orbital Technologies.

"Our planned module inside will not remind you of the ISS. A hotel should be comfortable inside, and it will be possible to look at the Earth through large portholes," he told RIA Novosti.

The hotel would be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to do research in space, Mr Kostenko said.

It would follow the same orbit as the International Space Station.

The first module would have four cabins, designed for up to seven passengers, who would be packed into a space of 20 cubic metres (706 cubic feet).

Mr Kostenko did not reveal the price of staying in the hotel.

However he did say that food would be suited to individual preferences, and that organisers were thinking of employing celebrity chefs to cook the meals before they were sent into space.

It is not clear how the "cosmic hotel" would be built, but the company's website names Energia, Russia's state-controlled spacecraft manufacturer, as the project's general contractor.

Energia builds the Soyuz capsules and Progress cargo ships which deliver crew and supplies to the ISS.

Mr Kostenko said that "a number of agreements on partnership have already been signed" with Energia and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos).

The project has Russian and American investors willing to inject hundreds of millions of dollars, he added.

Alexey Krasnov, head of manned space missions at Roscosmos, told the Associated Press news agency the proposed hotel could provide a temporary haven for the crew of the ISS, in case of an emergency.

However, doubts about the project were raised by Jim Oberg, a Houston-based space consultant and expert on the Russian space program.

"Why Russia would spend the required funds is a compelling question that has significant implications for its future commitment to the ISS," he told AP.

This latest plan is not the first time a space hotel has been mooted.

In 2009 the Barcelona-based architects of The Galactic Suite Space Resort said their orbiting hotel was on target to accept its first paying guests by 2012.

In 2007, Genesis II, an experimental spacecraft designed to test the viability of a space hotel, was successfully sent into orbit by Bigelow Aerospace, a private company founded by an American hotel tycoon.

Fortean / Oddball News: Cumbria UFO, Space Hotel and Aroused Ghost