Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reader Mail: Landing Area, Dealing With Aliens and Avoiding Demons

I was working on a job near Springfield, Missouri. On the 15 Sept. 2010, the burnt circle on the top on the grass showed up in the water. Where this grass was burnt, is in about three feet of water with grass growing out of the water. There was no tracts in the grass leading to the circle, the tops of the grass were burnt so badly they had turned charcoal white. Something quite large that was putting out a lot of heat is the only possible way the grass could have been burnt. I am sure some kind of craft made the circle. William Stavricos


Hi Lon - This experience is absolutely real and occurred 4 years ago. I posted the experience on a forum but never received any serious response.

On that day I rode my bicycle into town for exercise and to check out some stores for clothes. I stopped at a local clothing store not far from my residence. I chained my bicycle to a tree and went inside the store. I looked around for a few minutes before buying a shirt I liked. I then walked back to my bike to go home.

My new shirt was in a plastic bag so I tied the bag to one of my bike handles and then proceeded to unchain my bike from the tree. As I am unchaining my bike I noticed someone in a red SUV heading straight in my direction. I ignored it because I am right next to a parking lot. The person driving the SUV then stops adjacent to me just a few feet away. I look over and I see this woman who is observing me and smiling.

When I first looked at the woman I thought she was someone I knew from the past because she kept staring at me but I didn't recognize her face. Now that I think back on it, her face disturbed me somehow. I don't know how to explain it but this woman's face had a haunting quality to it like looking at an old antique portrait.

After a few seconds had passed the woman spoke to me. "Can you do me a favor?" she said. Being courteous I walked over to her car. At the time I thought maybe she was from out of town and just wanted directions. When I walked over to her I widened my eyes as if to say "repeat the question please." Again, the woman said "can you do me a favor?" I don't know what came over me but I begin to become terrified and I don't scare easily. I don't know why but I just wanted to run away at that point. The woman's presence begin to scare me.

I looked at her and in response to her question I mumbled in fear "It depends". I don't think she could hear me because she then asked me if I spoke English. I nodded my head as if to say "yes". She then told me "Ok, I am going to park and I want you to come over to me and help me out with something". I then observed the woman drive her car to the nearest parking lot. Suddenly something inside of me said "GET AWAY!". I ran to my bike, unchained it, and took off. I was so scared that I took off in the wrong direction. As I was leaving I could hear the woman screaming at me. Her screams scared me more and I just started to pedal as fast as I could and didn't look back.

I remember in that moment even though I was several feet away I just wanted to go into a building and hide because something inside of me said I was in great danger. There is no doubt in my mind that this woman was trying to harm me and I think it was my 'higher self' that saved me. I know it sounds crazy but I personally think she was trying to kidnap me. For what reason I do not know.

As I think back on that situation I can't forget this woman's eyes. Her eyes were innocent, child-like, but something was severely demonic about them. I also remember these red circles she had around her eyes. These red circles were very apparent because of her very pale skin. The scariest thing about her appearance is that she looked so young and innocent yet so evil.

There is no doubt in my mind that I encountered something demonic that day. Everyday since this has occurred I think about that woman and what would have happened to me if I did her a "favor".

I know for sure that this woman was pure evil. Ive never been so scared in my entire life. I was literally shaking after this event and I get nervous just talking about. Any thoughts? KS


NOTE: the following email is a bit 'out there'...I'd be interested in your comments...Lon

Thanks for reading my email. This information is important and needs to be read by the masses. We are not alone and never will be. Humans must learn to adjust to their presence.

I had an experience recently with a human who shapeshifted into alien form. He had a large head and huge eyes that glowed yellow with long slit-like pupils. It appeared that he had telepathic abilities but did not communicate much. Treated me as if I was a lab rat. Used human form to "cloak" himself. He was holographic and had the ability to reappear then disappear. Also had the ability to change colors. It would chant at times - seemingly a form of communication to others of his kind. It showed no emotion - militant and serious.

I sense that aliens do fear humans to some extent and they are neither evil or good. Like humans, they are here to learn more about different species and to find answers how to live among us. They are curious to know more about us. We spent quite a lot of time together - bonded somehow. It sometimes seemed scared of me and would not open it's eyes while talking to me.

Advice: the key is to avoid letting the aliens penetrate into your mind and soul.

Remain strong, show no fear, act curious, ask questions, reveal who they are, let them know that you are your own God and creator of your soul. Balance yourself, use logic, intellect, stare at them with power, befriend them. Show emotion, empathy, meditate and empty your mind. Do this and they cannot control you.

There is so much more to tell - possibly at a later date. - Orlando


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