Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reader Response: Philippines UFO Strangeness, Saved By A Spirit and Odd Video

Hello Lon,

I just read your story about the mass UFO sighting in Farmington, New Mexico in the '50s and I just want to share with you that very similar sighting that happened here in the Philippines. I am definite that this happened on a December 24, Christmas Eve, but I am not certain about the actual year. It was, however, in the 1990s, maybe '98 or '99. Neither me nor any of the other witnesses have reported this to any authorities or researchers.

But first, let me backtrack a bit to a fantastic series of sightings that happened prior to the one that is similar to the Farmington sighting.

Our first UFO sighting happened a few years before this, at a "UFO Symposium" held by actor Roy Alvarez and writer Augusta Almedda at a local park in Quezon City. At first I assumed it was all a sham and I had the same conviction throughout the symposium. I was with my mother and brother and we came to attend just out of curiosity. The duo spoke of some weird things involving the Philippines and I felt then it was all baloney. However, at the end of their talk, when darkness fell, they invited us to come with them to a clearing in the park, which had a lot of trees. There, they told us to look up at the sky. It was a clear sky and at first I didn't notice anything extraordinary except that there seemed to be a lot of stars. Suddenly, one of the stars started to move. Then another, and another and another. Suddenly, the entire sky was alive with stars that were moving in all directions. I know it is hard to believe but we all saw it. There were a lot of us there in that clearing, including several media personalities. I felt like I was dreaming. A few moments later, my mother and brother said they saw a big saucer pass by but I was talking to someone at the time and was not able to see it. However, I did see the next one. It looked something like a jackstone or a big cross that ROLLED heavily and majestically across the sky. I remember the feeling of awe as I looked up at it.

Anyway, this event was hardly mentioned in the media and I don't think it was reported anywhere but I can assure you that we never forgot it. A few months after this episode, my brother and I were walking to the grocery store near our house at around 7 or 8 PM when we suddenly saw what appeared to be two jumbo jets that were about to collide. I cried out and pointed at them and just as I pointed, and just before the collision happened, the "jet" on the left suddenly veered sharply to its left, toward us! It swooped left and down so suddenly and sharply that my knees began to wobble. I cried to my brother, "Kukunin na nila tayo! (They're going to take us now!)" The craft suddenly shone a very bright, large white light and when the light decreased in size, the craft was right above us, just on the tops of the coconut trees. It was triangular and almost black, totally quiet. We watched it fly over us and then fly upward, passing the moon. At that time, I had no idea that there were triangular UFOs but my brother and I were certain that this was definitely not a plane or any kind of aircraft we knew.

Probably a year after this incident, I was at home with my mother when suddenly we heard a kind of a sonic boom and then what seemed like a jet fighter zooming by. We went outside and there were indeed I think three fighter jets that had just passed us. This was quite unusual but we did not have time to wonder about this for just right on the tail of the jets we saw, in broad daylight (this was about 9 or 10 in the morning), a group of what appeared to be flying disks. There was a group of seven or eight white disks in triangular formation. They were moving steadily across the sky. At the rear was a bright white light that was moving in a weird wobbly way. And at front, at the head of the formation, just like in the Farmington sighting, was a bright red light. I remember joking that this must be Santa and that was Rudolph's red nose. Anyway, I guess our excited shouts were heard by the neighbors who came out of their apartments and also saw the formation. Soon we were a large group and everyone was shouting "Oh my God!" "Ano 'yan? Ano 'yan? (What is that?)

Anyway, I just wanted to share my stories, especially since there hardly seems to be any other reported sightings in the Philippines. More power to you and thank you again.




Hello mate,

As a cryptozoology freak I found this interesting clip from the 90's, filmed in the Alps region in Austria.

Something (I'm convinced it's not a bird or a plane) is flying by in the background. What do you think?

It would be interesting to hear what your readers think? The clip is kinda crappy and no sound but someone tried to analyze the clip.

Take care,



In the spring and summer of 1973 my cousins, Uncle and I lived a 2 story house built in about 1900’s. My cousin Teresa and I took care of her 5 and 6 year old brother and sister while her Dad traveled for work. It is a small town and every one knew he was frequently gone. One night at about 2am I heard Teresa call my name. I quickly got up and or headed for her room. She met me in the hall and asked if I had called her. I said you called me and she said no she hadn’t. We decided we weren’t sleepy any more and went to her room to sit and talk and look out the front window. We sat in the dark and talked.

We noticed a car driving slowly in front of the house. It would speed up when it went past then circle the block and come by again. We watched it pull up to the side of the street and stop. 2 men got out and headed to our house. We went down stairs and waited. They tried to open the front door. We flipped on the lights opened the door and met them with a shot gun and rifle. Needless to say they were shocked. Their statement was “we were just coming for a visit”. We said we don’t know you and if you ever come here again next time we will shoot. They left and never came back. To this day we think our ghosts saved us. Things around the house were always moving and we would hear noises but we were never scared, after all they did save us. - T.S.

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