Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Pig In Sheep's Clothing?

Meet the world’s first sheep-hog — a PIG with its own FLEECE.

Scientists are baffled by the strange swine — which they say is a pig “at heart” but with a woolly hide.

The one-year-old is being raised on a ranch near the town of Esquina, 400 miles north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It was a gift to owner Felipe Olivetti from a neighbouring farm.

He admitted: “Experts have told us it is unique.

“It is a pig but has a thick fleece which needs shearing in summer with the other sheep because it suffers in the heat. Other pigs do not trust it.”

Local farmers claim it could be the perfect animal. Neighbour Catriona Martez said: “Bacon and fleece all in one animal! If only there were more like it.”

Livestock expert Prof Hector Rebechisi said: “I examined it and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it. Hopefully we can do some tests to find out why it has a fleece.”

It reminded some of Spider-Pig from The Simpsons Movie — which was a porker adopted by Homer Simpson, who adapted the Spider-Man theme song in tribute.