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A supposed photograph of a female Sasquatch taken in 1990 just west of Mt. St. Helens - Ray Wallace |
A few day ago, legendary Bigfoot researcher John Green once again responded to the contention that the government is hiding a carcass of a Sasquatch that was retrieved from the ruins of the eruption of Mt. St. Helens:
"I’m a pretty seasoned researcher, half a century of it, and I have never encountered the slightest evidence suggesting that any level of government knows anything about Sasquatch, let alone having whisked corpses away by helicopter. Nonsense." - John Green
With all due respect to John Green and others who discount the accounts, I'm not pushing the information to the absurdity pile...well, at least, not for now. The notion that the U.S. Government would procure a Sasquatch body and not tell anyone doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by nature but I am fairly certain that there is a helluva lot of extraordinary and anomalous information that is withheld from the citizenry.
That said, along with recent claims regarding the Erickson Project DNA from two Bigfoot bodies, the following material should be read under advisement and 'taken with a grain of salt':
Sasquatch and the U.S. Government
Ray Crowe
In Cowlitz County, Washington at one of Ray Crowe's Western Bigfoot Meetings, someone brought up the topic of corpses of Sasquatch after the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens in Washington State. The witness heard of two Sasquatch the Army Corps of Engineers had taken out of the volcanic devastation...two months after the initial blast.
Another attendee heard of a dredging operation of the Cowlitz River and that two bodies were found in the sand (probably same case?). A chopper flew them off.
Joe Beelart offered that the crane doing the dredging was from the Manatowaka Company and that the bodies were found two weeks after the Mt. St. Helen's blast of May 18, 1980. He suggested that somebody might want to track down the company and find out who was working the shift that the bodies had been found on.
During a tour of the devastation by helicopter in 1985, a Vietnam veteran helicopter pilot mentioned a similar tale to Bobbie Short saying there were military helicopters that flew out nets full of burned and semi burned elk, deer, bear and something with hairy charred arms hanging out of the drop nets. They were taken to a common pit where the bodies were burned to avoid disease and contamination of the rivers.
NOTE: immediately, you can see that there are several versions to the story. The International Bigfoot Society later issued the following report:
A large foot print found more recently near Mt. St. Helens
The International Bigfoot Society
IBS Report #3493
Location: Cowlitz County, WA United States
Fred Bradshaw report concerning dead Bigfoot bodies near Mt. St. Helens
My father worked for Weyerhauser Co. at Green Mountain ,WA, east of Vancouver. The site has security on their roads to check on the equipment and check closed areas to keep people out.
My father was working the day Mt. St. Helens blew up. He was at a meeting in Kelso, WA, and as he was a supervisor, when Mt. St. Helens blew it's side out, all heck cut lose.
My father was sent back to Green Mountain right away but like most he wasn't allowed to go very far because of the mud slide coming down the river. He did get to the town of Toutle, WA, on highway 504 off I-5. He and his crew were placed at different spots to watch mud flow and of course help people get out of the blast zone after the major blow up. He was sent to the area of Spirit Lake to keep people out.
When the second major blow up of the mountain came, my father and the other guy with him reported in, and they got out of there.
He was then placed in charge of the helicopter landing zone. It was his job to help keep people out of the landing zone and let aid crews in so they could care for injured.
Later, when all the people were out and bodies out, the National Guard was brought in to clean up. They hauled dead animals out that they placed in piles; deer in one, elk in another and so on. They were covered up with tarps and later burned.
But my father was placed in charge of one pile of dead that were covered and no one was allowed to go near. Armed U.S. National Guard personal were around this pile, and one day when they were going to move this group of bodies, and my father was very close to it and was told to keep his mouth closed. And when the tarps were removed he saw the creatures, some badly burned and some not. They placed them in a net and lifted them into a truck and covered it over. My father asked a guardsmen what will they do with them and he said study them or what ever...he didn't want to know. He said it's like other things you don't ask, and off they went . AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. My father and the rest were debriefed and sent home.
NOTE: of course, this is 2nd hand information but not too out-of-the-ordinary if the situation were known to be fact. In May 2010 I received an email from a man in southern Washington who stated that he had heard anecdotes from Yakima native people in reference to Oh-Mah or Sasquatch after the Mt. St. Helen's eruption. The most prominent account was that of a large male Oh-Mah that was badly burned, but still alive, that took refuge in an area east of the devastation near traditional tribal lands. He was told that government agents in military gear captured the Oh-Mah and airlifted it to an undisclosed location. I have no way of knowing if this is a true account but it does seem to suggest that there was an effort made to take advantage of the eruption in order to capture specimans either dead or alive. You may want to read the following - Bigfoot Recovered; injured in Forest Fire - The Nightstalker of Edwards AFB - Sasquatch
and the Edward’s Air Force Base Surveillance...Lon
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