Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Lizard Man Scuttlebutt In South Carolina

On Ida Lane in rural Lee County, they’re struggling to explain what took place Monday morning.

“I ran into the house and told my wife to call the police because something happened to the car,” explained Leon Marshall.

“The tooth marks went completely through the fender,” added his wife Ada.

Early that morning the Marshall’s woke up to find their car mauled by something.

“That’s metal! And it just bent it up. Like it was a piece of tissue paper,” said Ada.

The question is by what?

“We have no idea. No idea. No idea what-so-ever.”

To former Lee County Sheriff Liston Truesdale, this sounds all too familiar.

“This part here is how it all started in 1988,” explained Truesdale. “We got a call to come and look at something that had mauled a car. I went out there and looked at that damaged car, and I haven’t seen anything like that before.”

About that same time there were bizarre calls coming in.

“They had been seeing a large creature about 7 feet tall, with big red eyes, with three pointed fingers.”

So he started asking residents, “have you seen anything like a big tall creature round there? And the guys said, ‘what you mean that lizard man?’ That’s how it started and you got it from the horse’s mouth.”

Back then, there was a media frenzy.

“Everyone thought they were going to get a glimpse of the Lizard Man but he didn’t appear.”

The damage on the Marshall’s car is almost identical to the damage on the two cars from back then.

Was it the Lizard man?

“I’m skeptical about that. I’m not gonna go that far. I’ll believe it when I see it,” said the Marshalls.

“Everything it laid off on the poor lizard man,” jokes Truesdale. “But at this point, he must have grandchildren!”

Whether you believe in the Lizard Man or not, he certainly did generate a lot of buzz. In 1988 it’s estimated that about 50,000 visitors came to Lee County in hopes of spotting the creature. - WLTX

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NOTE: Here is a website that describes the 1988 encounter - The Lizard man of Bishopville, SC. BTW...back in April 2008, the one and only Tom Biscardi got involved in the Lizard Man stating that he thought it was a Bigfoot. So he packed up the circus tent and headed to the location. Biscardi didn't find anything in South Carolina but he did hit pay dirt a few months later a little further south in Georgia. This time the Bigfoot was already in the freezer...Lon


Cryptid Investigator Thinks 'Lizard Man' May Be 'Bigfoot'

It's a story that got a lot of people talking in the Midlands. Back in February, a Lee County family woke up to find their van torn and bloodied. Some people thought the legendary Lizard Man had struck again, and many of you sent us stories telling about your own run-ins with him.

Now, an investigator says those who believe the legend have it all wrong. Instead, he says a very different type of creature is to blame.

"Think about it. It's incredible," says Tom Biscardi. He wants answers, so he drove all the way from California to Bishopville. Biscardi is traveling with his team of researchers - trying to figure out what could've chewed up the front of the van, biting right through metal.

Biscardi heard all the rumors. The only freak of nature that could do it was supposedly the Lizard Man.

A giant creature of legend was first reportedly seen near Scape Ore swamp nearly 20 years ago. Biscardi doesn't think so. "There's no Lizard Man. I'm telling you, you've got something else."

Biscardi, says his investigation - will debunk all the rumors. He can't prove it yet, but Biscardi traces the damage to a creature like the one in Texas. "I'm going to tell you, it's not a Lizard Man. What you've got is a primate, a thing called a swamp ape."

The creature Biscardi speaks of is more commonly known as "Bigfoot."

The team found 18-inch prints in Texas. Biscardi's team of Bigfoot hunters says it's found similar prints near Scape Ore Swamp. The team set surveillance around the swamp, and near the damaged van.

Forensic evidence was also gathered. But after two days of searching, no creature was spotted. Biscardi says, "No problem."

He'll be back next month with a bigger crew. "If anything does travel out on this area, we'll get it. I have no doubt in my mind."

Whether the Lizard Man story ends there remains to be seen. What's clear for now, the mystery's plot - has only thickened.

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