Friday, August 17, 2007

"Sallie House Haunting" Discussed

On Eastern Paranormal's radio show "A Glimpse Through The Veil," Gabreael and Debra Pickman discussed her families survival of the notorious "Sallie House Haunting." The Showtime movie "The Heartland Ghost" was based on the Pickman's experience while living in "The Sallie House." They have also been featured on The Travel Channel, Unexplained Mysteries, A Haunting, and many more.

Tony and Debra were a young couple who had recently been married and were expecting their first child in June 1993. In their search for a home to start their family, they found the quaint little rental house located at 933 North 2nd Street. The house seemed perfect for them, three bedrooms, 1 ½ baths, a large yard, spacious kitchen and completely carpeted. They moved in on December 31, 1992. Little did they know that they were not the only occupants of that home.

Shortly after the Pickman's son's birth in June of 1996, they noticed a surge of paranormal activity in their home. They then contacted a psychic who informed them that their home was indeed haunted by a young girl by the name of Sallie.

The Sallie House haunting is in a class by itself. There have been full-bodied apparitions and objects flying through the air. Items have moved, been misplaced or lost only to reappear or show up later or at another location. Phantom furniture has been heard along with thumps, thuds, knocks, scratching and the sound of animals and human voices. Although some voices have been heard with the naked ear, there have been an amazing amount of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) captured, further depicting the voices of men, women and children. Many have experienced extreme smells. Lastly, and most famously, there has been physical harm to the occupants and investigators in the form of scratches, burns and cuts. Although the majority of these attacks have often been centered on Tony Pickman, there have been a few others who have also been the focus of the physical harassment.

Investigations into this house continue, but it was initially investigated by the television show Sightings back when Tony and Debra Pickman lived there with their newborn son. Numerous psychics have entered the picture in order to help along the way, including Barbara Conner and the world-renowned Peter James who has worked on the haunting of the Queen Mary for many years. Paramount Pictures, the Travel Channel, KQ2 News out of St. Joseph, Missouri, Channel 4 News out of Kansas City, Kansas, and the Discovery Channel have all been involved in documenting this story over the last 12 years.

Some believe that what exists in the house is evil. Some believe that the entities within the house are reaching out and in need of our help. What started out as the simple haunting of one little girl named Sallie has developed into a growing list. Some think that over the years more entities have come to resided with the walls of this houses. Do they just visit, do they call the place home, or has it become a doorway to the other side where the spirits we encounter move on after their visit?