Saturday, August 11, 2007

Minnesota Mothman Sighting Reported

George Noory, during the “Coast to Coast AM” program last night, August 10, 2007, took various calls from individuals who reported many kinds of cryptids.

Folks telephoned in and told their own eyewitness accounts for hours. Here are two examples:

A caller in Illinois claimed to have witnessed the Mothman on June 27th [2007] while driving outside of Stewartville, MN. She said the creature had a huge wing[span] about the width of a Ford….Carol in Kissimmee, FL described her encounter with a Bigfoot. She claims the 7-ft tall animal had a tree branch in his hand and stood only 10 feet away from her car.

Coast to Coast with George Noory, August 10, 2007, Premiere Radio Networks.

BTW, this area is near the site of Bigfoot sightings in 1968. For example, Larry Hawkins reported he saw a hairy hominoid when he was going south on Highway 52, during that year, according to a report from Brad Steiger. Steiger, writing in The Allende Letters also mentioned he collected a Stewartville sighting of aerial phenomena from Warren Anding, for October 24, 1968.

This reports are suspect at best but interesting.