Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Norwich Now 'UFO Central'

They could be little green men or something far less mysterious but one thing is for sure - they are more common than you think.

Information released by the Ministry of Defence, following a Freedom of Information request, has revealed several sightings of UFOs in the region with experts describing Norwich as a “hotspot.”

Spotters of unidentified objects describe “orange lights that appeared to be in formation and travelling quite slowly, in East Dereham, as well as a white light which was “as bright as mars” in Great Yarmouth.

There were 14 official sightings reported to the MOD in the last 10 years, including two over Norwich, but John Sayer, of the Norfolk UFO Society said these are just the ones we know about.

Mr Sayer said: “When people think of UFOs they think of the traditional flying saucers but it's not something the general public are really aware of.

“Generally speaking I would say that these kinds of sightings are much more common than people realise. Since I have become interested in the subject I've realised there's quite a lot going on.

“Of course we must remember these sightings are only the ones that have reached the MOD - it's just the tip of the iceberg and in my experience most people don't report what they see.”

Other sightings across Norfolk include two in Norwich of “an object that looked a bit like a star at first and then split into about half a dozen lights” and “a single flashing light.”

In Great Yarmouth a “bright white light with an orange light at the rear” was spotted.

Defence officials keep records of these sightings because of the possible implications for national security and analyse them all in detail but most of the UFOs reported either have a rational explanation or none at all.

In June the Evening News reported how the sightings of mysterious orbs floating silently over Norwich, believed to be UFOs, turned out to be nothing more sinister than paper lanterns with messages - one of the latest crazes for summer parties and barbecues.