Saturday, August 4, 2007

Orbs, Voices and Toys

"Halloween night 2006 was very active and I was in a foul mood," says therockerchick1. "Orbs are flying in all directions and the musical toy oven downstairs has turned itself on... again. My husband finally went down to get the toy and remove it. At about 4:55 in the clip, I say (to the "dust"), 'Scare him! Scare him!'... and a child's voice can be heard faintly in the background. It sounds like 'come home' or something of that nature. I actually heard this voice and got creeped out a bit. Seconds later the oven plays its tune again. As a side note, we had to permanently relocate this toy to the shed outside. It played (by itself) for two days straight until the (dead) batteries were once again dead. However, a day and a half later, the activity started all over again."