MUFON CMS - Afogados da Ingazeira, city of Pernambuco, Brazil - 6/16/2009 - Translated from Portuguese...not great but it's somewhat understandable: Hello, my name is * (Wit's name deleted--SGonzalez/CMS) and want to report a case. 2 days ago I was in a chat that I participate on ufology, he entered a new member and asked me to I saw a photo and asked what I was seeing it with a bit of attention he said he saw a humanoid in the picture, possibly a gray. Then he began to relate an experience that happened to him for about a year. I'll call him C-4, because he asked that his name be preserved.
Resident in the city of Afogados da Ingazeira, city of Pernambuco, Brazil, C-4 arrived at her home from work at night, around 21 hours, along with his girlfriend, entered the room and headed toward the bathroom to bathe, When he heard the sound of a door, he asked his girlfriend if she had been she who slammed the door, she said no. He then went to bathe, leaving the bath, he entered the room and saw a floating ball, the size of a tennis ball, with a kind of core within it, the ball flew quickly into the room, then asked C-4 to his girlfriend who had hit the door and she said she thought she was his mother who had arrived, he then went into the hall of the house and felt a presence, the house was dark, he got the Sony Ericsson W580i and took a picture of the dark hallway (attached).
Later viewing the photo in Photoshop software he viewed the photo and cleared something strange in the photo, zoom, and has spotted the image of a being, like a kind TE Gray. (Attached)
C4 I claimed to have precognitive dreams, one of them predicted the death of a friend, who died the next day. He also claims photographing orbs, says it has hundreds of pictures of them. In addition, he also claims to have heard a buzzing noise, almost deafening days after the incident mentioned above and says he has also scarred by the body since childhood, which he does not know the provenance. He says he has headaches and she realized he was doing drawings on your childhood like alien beings, bighead and flimsy.
I made a drawing over the picture, which also is attached. We would like an opinion about the case and on the photo that C-4 took off, thank you and await contact. NOTE: I enlarged the 'grey' and changed the hues for clarity. There's a lot of noise and pixel I'm not sure what to make of this...Lon
One-week-old Cruella may look a bit scary but in reality she is highly vulnerable. The baby brown long-eared bat in the care of Secret World Wildlife Rescue at East Huntspill near Highbridge in Somerset, was found by a member of the public in Minehead after it is believed her mother dropped her during flight. Having been assessed by vets, Cruella will undergo rehabilitation at the rescue centre as one of more than 400 wildlife casualties to be cared for by the charity each year.
Commercial Pilot Confirms Existence of UFOs
technorati - With nearly 30,000 flight hours under his belt, Jim Courant’s qualifications as a major passenger airline captain are solid. So is his conviction that the UFO phenomenon is real.
"I got the proof that I was after,” Courant says. “That’s the part I won’t discuss. But obviously something has kept me in this, taking the chances I’ve taken.”
The nature of the proof that he found isn’t all that Courant won’t discuss. Concerned about professional repercussions, he declines to confirm the name of his airline. Nor will he reveal the identities of some high level officials who he says have confirmed the extraterrestrial presence in conversations with him.
There are a few names that he will drop, however.
Astronaut Gordon Cooper, whose own unambiguous UFO encounter is a matter of public record, was a friend of Courant’s. He’s also traded stories with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, whose 2009 statement at the National Press Building calling for the U.S. government to come clean on the topic of UFOs garnered such fleeting media attention.
The short shrift Mitchell received in the press gives Courant little cause for optimism that future media events will turn the tide.
Media obscura
“A national hero and the sixth man to walk on the moon says that your government and others have been in contact with ETs for 67 years. That’s an incredible statement. It was buried on page seven the next day in the NY Post. Then Rush Limbaugh got in on the act.”
Courant’s frustration with the trickle-down effect of what X-Conference organizer Steve Bassett calls the “truth embargo” is obvious when he’s asked to comment on the effectiveness of the disclosure movement.
“I’d like to say that Steve is getting somewhere with what he’s trying to do,” Courant says. “But the internet is the new sheriff in town. There’s so much B.S. that it’s made it tough for people to know what to believe.”
Saying that he’s ready to unload his 5,000-volume library of UFO books, Courant talks with the road-weary circumspection of someone who’s told his story countless times, and who’s taken a few hits for the telling.
“It’s ruined my social life,” says Courant, who is divorced and lives in the Carolinas.
According to Courant, it’s not unheard of for cockpit personnel to turn in pilots who express an interest in UFOs. This can trigger everything from psych tests to what are called “line checks” (in-flight performance evaluations) which, if they go badly, can result in dismissal. The best way to avoid trouble, Courant says, is to steer clear of the topic while in uniform and, even when out of uniform, never to mention your employer’s name in any context that involves UFOs.
But Courant, now 59, continues to fly, despite his active involvement in UFO research. He’s spoken on the topic as far afield as China and Brazil and, closer to home, in Gaithersburg, MD where he participated in the 2005 X-Conference “Seen from Above” pilots’ panel.
Courant was invited in 1992 by an NBC affiliate in Raleigh, North Carolina to host "New Perspective," a live daily television show focusing on topics similar to those popularized by NBC's “Unsolved Mysteries” series, for which he’d served as a consultant.
“We did 534 shows, covering many aspects of the UFO subject,” Courant says. He traveled extensively taping interviews for the show which he co-hosted with a woman he’ll identify only as “Dea,” explaining that she now prefers to maintain a low profile.
Quest for knowledge in the avalanche of lies
Asked about his own UFO sightings, Courant says that he’s had three, the most notable of which occurred in 1995 while he was flying from New Mexico to Los Angeles.
“My co-pilot wouldn’t talk about it afterward,” he says, describing a large, oval-shaped, blue-green object that approached from the left, then shot up at a 45-degree angle in a bright flash of light.
But Courant acknowledges that expert testimony is no match for what he says Gordon Cooper referred to as the “huge avalanche of lies” obstructing disclosure.
Google “Jim Courant” and you’ll find, among other things, a $20 DVD titled “Jim Courant Presents UFO Perspective,” which Courant says he’s never seen and did not authorize. Search for him on YouTube and you’ll find excerpts from an interview he did with black ops scientist and alleged contactee Dr. Michael Wolfe, which Courant says was posted without permission.
"I've taken a lot of heat for that," he says, lamenting the ill effects of information age technology, even as it raises public awareness (and acceptance) of UFOs.
“It’s sad that between your astronauts and your trained pilots, there’s still the put-down factor. I’ve learned from 20 years that you’ve got the real deal people, and the people who are in it for the ego and to make some money and fame.”
“For me," Courant says, "it’s ended up being a quest for knowledge.”
Are Earthquakes More Common Than Previously Thought?
reuters - The risk of earthquakes in the U.S. Midwest may be more widespread than geologists have believed, but a "big one" may be less likely at Missouri's New Madrid fault, researchers said on Wednesday.
They found that rivers that swept away sediments at the end of the last ice age could have triggered a series of large earthquakes that began in 1811 in the New Madrid seismic zone.
This suggests that these fault segments are unlikely to fail again soon, but the same process could trigger earthquakes on nearby fault segments, they reported in the journal Nature.
When glaciers melted at the end of the last ice age between 16,000 and 10,000 years ago, monstrous rivers formed and washed away 40 feet of sediment.
Eric Calais of Purdue University in Indiana and colleagues developed a computer model that shows this could have caused the crust underneath to slowly lift and cause the magnitude 7 and greater quakes that shook the Missouri-Arkansas border region in 1811 and 1812, causing the Mississippi River to run backwards and ringing church bells as far away as Boston.
"Models indicate that fault segments that have already ruptured are unlikely to fail again soon, but stress changes from sediment unloading and previous earthquakes may eventually be sufficient to bring to failure other nearby segments that have not yet ruptured," Calais and colleagues wrote.
Areas such as Charleston, South Carolina, hit by a highly damaging quake in 1886, may be susceptible to more activity cased by the processes described by Calais, geophysicist Mark Zoback of Stanford University in California wrote in a commentary.
Scientists have a good understanding of earthquakes at major faults where one of the Earth's tectonic plates touches another one -- such as in California, Indonesia and Haiti.
Less well understood are intraplate faults -- faults in the middle of a plate -- like the New Madrid fault.
"Much still needs to be done to reduce earthquake hazards for those living along active plate boundaries. To recognize that, one needs only to look at the devastating consequences of the 2004 earthquake and tsunami in Sumatra (230,000 dead in 14 countries), or the earthquake in Haiti earlier this year (approximately 200,000 dead and 2 million left homeless)," Zoback added.
But the uncertainty can be even worse in intraplate regions. "In the past decade alone, tens of thousands of people have died in each of the earthquakes that hit Bhuj, India (2001), and Bam, Iran (2003), as well as in the magnitude 7.9 Wenchuan event that occurred in China in 2008," Zoback wrote.
He said the New Madrid seismic zone is the best studied of such locations.
Paramount is the latest to snatch up an aliens-related pitch, this time from rookie scribe Bobby Glickert to be produced by Michael Bay and Platinum Dunes partners Brad Fuller and Andrew Form.
Though the plotline is getting the Area 51 treatment, the pitch, known as the "Confidential Alien Project," involves alien abductions.
Glickert wrote a treatment and cut together a two-minute teaser that attracted Platinum Dunes. The company is out to writers to pen a script.
Bay, in particular, can't seem to get enough of the sci-fi genre. In addition to filming the third installment of the alien-robots-at-war "Transformers" franchise for Paramount, Bay is producing the aliens-in-high-school thriller "I Am Number Four" for DreamWorks.
That same studio is currently filming "Cowboys & Aliens" with director Jon Favreau at the helm. Sony has its aliens-attack-L.A. actioner "Battle: Los Angeles" on the books for March, and Universal/Rogue Pictures has the alien-abduction thriller "Skyline" scheduled for November.
The WME-repped Glickert has worked as a production assistant on several big-budget studio projects and most recently worked for "Fast & Furious" director Justin Lin ("Better Luck Tomorrow").
The Secret KGB UFO Abduction Files David Eckhart forwarded this link to the full continuous video segment documentary. This was presented a few years ago and is based on the information from a book about the supposed KGB Project Isis. It's a very interesting video but, honestly, most is a bit hard to swallow though, 'The Followers' was a real organization in the old Soviet USSR from information I have seen. The main focus of the documentary is that the Egyptian God Osiris was actually an alien 'visitor' who had given the ancient Egyptians their advanced technology. When Osiris died, it was buried in a secret chamber under the royal burial chamber in the Great Pyramid. The KGB was said to have found Osiris' mummy as well as other information. Personally, some (and I do mean 'some') of this allegory may actually be factual but as far as the KGB finding this information, well, I find it difficult to buy into that part of the presentation. Anyway, give it a is entertaining. Lon
dailymail - Cynics may dismiss it as just a piece of driftwood or a trick of the light.
But a photograph showing what appears to be a long-necked sea creature has got marine experts scratching their heads.
The 'animal' was snapped stalking a shoal of fish just 30 yards off the British coast.
The fish were apparently so terrified they beached themselves just seconds later.
The creature was spotted off the Devon coast at Saltern Cove, Paignton, by locals who reported a sighting of what they thought was a turtle.
But pictures taken by one of the baffled witnesses, Gill Pearce, reveal the neck of the greenish-brown beast with the reptile-like head is far too long for it to be a turtle.
Mrs Pearce, who took the photo on July 27, reported her sighting to the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) where it was studied by sea life experts.
Claire Fischer from the MCS said: 'Gill Pearce spotted the creature about 20 metres from the bay at Saltern Cove, near Goodrington.
'It was observed at about 15.30 on 27 July but by the time she had got her camera it had moved further out.
'She spotted it following a shoal of fish which beached themselves in Saltern Cove.
'The creature remained in the sea, then went out again and followed the shoal - this indicates it's not a turtle as they only eat jellyfish.
'We would love to know if other people have seen anything like this in the same area and can help clear up the mystery.'
Some people think the sea sighting could be linked to that of a sperm whale sighted off south Devon recently but Miss Fischer dismissed that explanation.
'They [sperm whales] wouldn't come that close inshore and the reptilian-like head counts that out - at least that's what the experts are saying.'
The sighting has caused a stir on the MCS website too, where theories range from sea serpent to salt water crocodile.
An MCS spokesman said: 'It was reported as a turtle as it had large front flippers and small back flippers and what appeared to be a shell but was also said to have a small head on a thin neck about two-feet long which craned above the surface like a Plesiosaur.
'No sea turtles do that with their heads and we do not know of similarly described freshwater turtles that grow so big.
'It's described as being as long as a sea lion with a long neck which floated at the same height in the water all the time.
'This is not a fake. The problem is the distance and clarity from which the photos were taken.
'The lady thought it may have been a turtle - but turtles don't chase fish.
'So at the moment it is "unidentified" - the person who reported it has trawled the internet and says the closest ID fit is a giant green sea turtle - but the description of the head doesn't add up.'
The organisation is now asking for people to keep a keen watch on the seas off South Devon and have appealed for more photos to be taken.
A spokesman said: 'If you live or are visiting down near Saltern Cove Goodrington, near Paignton please keep your eyes on the sea and let us know if you see anything - and keep your camera by your side just in case.'
Hi...if you read 'Phantoms and Monsters' you really need to become a free member at the 'Phantoms and Monsters' wiki and discussion site. All paranormal, UFO, government, conspiracy, unexplained phenomena, alternative subjects are discussed. As a member, you can post your own narratives, experiences, etc. as well as access all the great information and images posted. Give it a try...Lon
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Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog
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I received the following report from a regular contributor, Igor, in reference to a strange missing person case in the Lapland Region, Finland:
Hey, Lon...I thought you might be interested in this:
Last Monday, a Thai man working in Salla, Lapland as a berry picker was waiting for a lift back to his apartment. He called his contact and during this conversation he stated "Something weird is following me, it's like a dog or something" after this despite being afraid of the weird creature he hung up and immediately his cell phone was switched off either because he ran out of battery or he turned it off. After this the man disappeared without a trace. Police stated they haven't found any tracks whatsoever from the area he disappeared from, human or animal like. Despite happening this week, police announced today that they are stopping all efforts to find the man except starting an "official investigation"? The man in charge of the operation first made a statement that this is a total mystery but later stated that it is an animal attack and nothing else, almost wanting everyone to lose their attention to the story and called back all the search parties from the area. The parties were mainly made of Finnish military and police personnel and just a few of co-workers were allowed to contribute in the search despite knowing the man and speaking his language. Later they were all called back to work and for the last few days it seems to have been strictly a military/police operation. They found a berry bucket and intact clothes identified as belonging to the man at the scene but the police quickly announced that they had been brought there by the man's co-workers which seems a bit odd...why not just hand them over to officials instead of taking them into the deep forest and just leaving them there? They found no trace of the man, no blood, no tracks, nothing. No one has any clue what could have happened to the man. The particular area has some bears and wolves but bears usually tend to avoid humans instead of following them and wolves hunt in packs. So what was this weird creature he saw and why did he hang up the phone call despite being afraid of this creature? Only specs of this creature so far is "a large, dog like dark animal". There is no information whether it was bipedal or not. The Finland national broadcast network YLE (owned by the Finnish state with a 99.98% share) has removed all stories related to case from their website. Finnish media have been very quiet about this except for tabloids which is rather strange because our country is so small that even small events make it to national news. For example, just a week ago every paper was reporting about a "hippie camp" with "hundreds of naked hippies" in southern part of Finland and they covered it for days.
Here are some articles related to the case (in our moon language X__x), my story above has been translated from these articles and the paper version of two of them (the words "something strange is following me and all descriptions of the creature were exclusively on the paper versions, I guess only because they cannot be erased after printing, like from the YLE site.)
P.S. Now this could be just an animal attack but it's really a strange one if it is. For example, ending the phone call to his Finnish contact person who is from the area and is familiar with the local fauna, the heavy military presence, removing the information from the news and ending the search in just a few days. Also, the description of the creature does not make any sense, or the lack of tracks. Only logical options for a large dark creature on that area are a bear and maybe a moose and as I stated before bears don't attack people often, I personally can't remember any cases. In all the cases involving bears the bear has stumbled upon someone and then left the scene very quickly.
If there are any more information or possible remains or tracks found, I will let you know.
Igor V. NOTE: I hope to receive follow ups to this case. Many thanks to Igor! Lon
telegraph - The RSPCA has issued an alert urging people to be on their guard amid fears a large batch of the spider has escaped in the north of the country.
The alert came after two separate incidents involving 10cm-wide Chilean Rose tarantulas in Bolton, Greater Manchester.
The rare arachnids, capable of blinding people by spitting hairs in their eyes, were both found in back gardens within two miles of each other.
Both spiders are the same age, breed and gender.
Experts said it suggested they could be part of a larger batch. The slow-moving large spiders from South America are a popular breed among collectors.
Lisa Broad, 20, found the first spider in her garden on the Oldhams Estate in Sharples.
She called the RSPCA, who re-homed the creature, named Fang, at Smithills Open Farm.
Three-and-a-half weeks later another woman from Lostock discovered another tarantula, which was sitting on her garden wall.
The woman, who did not want to be named, eventually trapped it under a plant pot on her path and alerted the RSPCA.
Derek Hampson, an inspector for the animal welfare charity, said: "We advised her to keep it under the plant pot until we arrived. They can quite happily go a week without food, so it was quite content.
"It got a bit aggressive when I picked it up. I wore safety goggles as these creatures can spit hairs which can blind you.
"It is possible there could be more out there, but unfortunately we havent got the resources to search for them."
He added: "It is up to members of the public to call us if they spot any."
Mr Hampson took the female, which is known to kill the male after mating, to Bugworld in Liverpool.
Jenny Dobson, the Bugworld curator, said: "It is rare for one of these to come in and we saw... there had been another with the same characteristics found outdoors.
"It is likely they came from the same place.
"It would be too much of a coincidence otherwise for two breakouts and they cant survive in the wild for long with the UK climate.
Man Listed As Tokyo’s Oldest Had Been Dead For Three Decades
mdn.mainichi - The skeletal remains of a man who was thought to be alive at the age of 111 have been found in a residence in Tokyo's Adachi Ward - an estimated 30 years after his death. Found dead was Sogen Kato, who was born in 1899. Police said that following the death of Kato's wife six years ago, family members had received a total of about 9.45 million yen in payments for a survivor's mutual pension. Law enforcers are investigating the family's actions on suspicion of fraud and negligence as guardians resulting in death.
Kato's 53-year-old granddaughter, who had lived with him, reportedly told police that he shut himself in his room about 30 years ago, refusing to take food or water, in line with the doctrines of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. Kato had lived with his daughter, 81, son-in-law, 83, and two grandchildren, aged 49 and 53. In June this year, officials from the Adachi Ward Office approached police saying they wanted to see Kato, but family members wouldn't let them.
When a police officer visited the home on July 26 with ward officials, the 53-year-old granddaughter said, "My grandfather is well but he's refused to meet with anyone." However, two days later, one of the grandchildren visited Senju Police Station and told police, "He shut himself in a first-floor room about 30 years ago in line with his doctrines, refusing to take food or water. When we looked inside the room in March this year, we saw the skeletal remains of our grandfather."
Police later checked the room and found Kato's body. Investigators said that Kato's wife died in August 2004, and between October 2004 and July this year, about 9.45 million yen was paid out for a survivor's mutual pension. Family members are believed to have withdrawn a total of 2.7 million yen from Kato's bank account over six occasions in mid-July.
Galactic Thunderbolts
thunderbolts - Consensus astronomers look at individual points of light and discover the most massive stars. Electric Universe observers look at the entire complex of filaments and discover the characteristic features of a galactic thunderbolt.
“Mass” astronomy posits a relationship between mass and luminosity. By observing a double star system in the cluster shown at the top of the page, astronomers were able to calculate a baseline for the relationship and extrapolate the masses of brighter stars. They found some that were nearly twice as massive as they had thought possible. Although, since theories are often adjusted to explain any observation, failures of expectations cannot be equated with falsifications of theory.
Plasma astronomy posits a relationship between electrical stress and luminosity. Gravity, and consequently mass, is a weak manifestation of electrical stress. In regions that are relatively insulated from the primary effects of electricity (within stellar sheaths, such as the Sun’s heliosphere), gravity will largely determine orbital motions.
However, the mass that is calculated from analysis of the orbits is a result of the charge contained, not of the quantity of matter as is commonly assumed. In an Electric Universe, there are no maximum or minimum sizes for stars.
The objects of interest to plasma astronomers are the helical filaments that give the regions around the clusters their characteristic electrical structure. In the far view (left), arcs of parallel filaments appear to wind around kinked tubes that converge on the cluster, evidence for large plasma discharge channels.
Where channels intersect (center view), the stress increases. Bubbles form (exploding double layers, similar to coronal mass ejections), secondary discharges are induced, and instabilities pinch plasma into stars. The observed large outflow of material, mischaracterized as mass (and misnamed “wind”), is the electrical current flow coursing through the region like a galactic lightning bolt.
Instead of a random scattering of gravitationally collapsing clouds shaped by hot winds, these regions are unitary plasma discharge formations better called galactic thunderbolts.
********** Early Warning! Asteroid Heading Towards Earth... ETA: 2182
discovery - This isn't an urgent call to arms, but it's certainly a future date to consider. In the year 2182 -- 172 years time -- there's the possibility that we might be hit by an asteroid with potential to cause some significant global turmoil. This long-distance forecast could help mankind determine whether asteroid deflection techniques are warranted, especially when given nearly two centuries of lead time.
The not-so-romantically named (101955) 1999 RQ36 -- discovered in 1999 -- measures approximately 510 meters in diameter and is classified as an Apollo asteroid. Apollo asteroids pose a threat to our planet as they routinely cross Earth's orbit.
With a one-in-a-thousand chance of 1999 RQ36 hitting Earth -- with half of this probability indicating a 2182 impact -- the threat might not sound too acute.
But compare this with the panic that ensued with the discovery of 99942 Apophis in 2004. Initially, it was thought there was a 1-in-233 chance of Apophis hitting us in 2029. This estimate was alarming; it was the first time an asteroid had been promoted to "Level 4" on the Torino Scale -- a near-Earth object (NEO) impact hazard categorization method.
After further observations, the threat of an Apophis impact was lowered, and now the chance of the 270 meter space rock hitting us in 2029 is zero. The probability of impact during the next fly-by, in 2036, has recently been downgraded to a 1-in-250,000, and a third pass in 2068 has a tiny one-in-three million chance.
Despite these shrinking odds, Apophis remains "the" doomsday asteroid in the public mindset -- a situation that certainly wasn't helped by the initial 1-in-233 odds and subsequent media frenzy.
"The total impact probability of asteroid '(101955) 1999 RQ36' can be estimated in 0.00092 -- approximately one-in-a-thousand chance -- but what is most surprising is that over half of this chance (0.00054) corresponds to 2182," explains MarÃa Eugenia Sansaturio, of Spain's Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) and co-author of the international NEO study.
Recently published in the journal Icarus, this impact probability was calculated using two mathematical models to assess potential threats to Earth in the 22nd Century. 1999 RQ36 was singled out at the biggest threat.
ANALYSIS: Will An Asteroid Hit Earth?
Of course, a lot can happen to an errant space rock in 172 years, hence the odds of one-in-a-thousand. Although gravitational influences on the asteroid's trajectory can be fairly accurately calculated, other mechanisms acting on the rock are not so easily modeled.*
The message to come out of this study is that potentially hazardous asteroids are out there and we are getting better at identifying which known asteroids pose the greater risk. But at what point do we decide to take action? 172 years into the future is a long time, and humans aren't exactly well-known for preparing for future events over those kinds of time scales. But time is one thing we'll need if we are to protect future generations from a potentially catastrophic impact event.
"If this object had been discovered after 2080, the deflection would require a technology that is not currently available," said Sansaturio. "Therefore, this example suggests that impact monitoring, which up to date does not cover more than 80 or 100 years, may need to encompass more than one century."
"Thus, the efforts to deviate this type of objects could be conducted with moderate resources, from a technological and financial point of view."
Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?
The recent decoding of a cryptic cup, the excavation of ancient Jerusalem tunnels, and other archaeological detective work may help solve one of the great biblical mysteries: Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?
The new clues hint that the scrolls, which include some of the oldest known biblical documents, may have been the textual treasures of several groups, hidden away during wartime—and may even be "the great treasure from the Jerusalem Temple," which held the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible. Continue at Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?
Check out the owls eyes, they glow in every picture I took this is the only picture the red slash appears. It is on the wall and it is red but doesn't show in the rest of the pictures. In the second photo, the red slash is missing and was taken right after the one with the red slash..VERY STRANGE - Pam Bowen
chronicle.augusta - My son and I went to South Carolina to visit his godmother Joy and her husband last weekend, Joy is also a believer in the paranormal and there is a church that is on a one lane dirt road out in the middle of no-where called Horns Creek Baptist Church dated back to 1790. There is a small cemetery on the side and a few graves in the back. All seemed to be dated in the 1800's and in need of repair. One is a little girl who died at age 2. Very sad. Anyways, we pulled up and got out of the truck and walked up the wooden steps into the church. What caught my eye was what appeared to be 2 peep holes. I made comment about it and took a picture of it. There are painted pictures of angels in each corner and pentagram (I think that's what it is) in the middle of the ceiling. Around the angels the paint seems to be coming off the ceiling but the angels are in good shape to be so old and untouched. I have heard that "orbs" isn't really a dependable thing to count on being paranormal but in a few of the pictures only 1 "orb" is there or not at all. The shadow of the "owl" seems to be embedded into the wall, not sure where that comes from but it is interesting and the glowing eyes are really strange. My son used his phone to ask questions to see if we could possibly get a recording of anything. Sure enough when we listened to it we hear a strange message that says something over him which sounds like Help me and then the word 'Open' at the end. We need to have it analyzed to be sure of what we heard, however there was nobody there but us 4 and we didn't hear anything. We went back 4 times just to be sure what we saw is what is on the camera, each time we went back we took the same picture and every picture is different. Is this to say the Church has paranormal activity? I don't know but something creepy and yet interesting enough to make me want to go back and find out more about what is going on with the church.
Anomalist Books - works on maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries. Please check out their excellent and diverse catalog
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kstatecollegian - A dead student’s ghost has haunted K-State’s Purple Masque Theatre for more than 30 years, spilling paint cans, stealing costumes and flickering lights.
Ask anyone familiar with Nick the ghost, and you’ll hear some story of misfortune or odd occurrence. Many believe he is still at large today.
But with plans to move the Masque, and build a new Welcome Center in its place, what will happen to Nick? Will his soul still linger beneath the stone seats of East Stadium, or will he follow the Purple Masque to its new location?
Alexis Warden, freshman in theater, said she thinks Nick will stay in East Stadium.
“His connection isn’t to the theater itself, it’s the connection to that area on campus,” Warden said. “I don’t know if he will stick around and ‘haunt’ the new Welcome Center or not, whether he sticks around or not just depends on him, I guess.”
Warden has been a part of multiple shows in the Purple Masque and said she believes that Nick’s ghost currently haunts the theater.
“There are times in which I have been alone in an area of the Masque and had the sudden feeling that someone was there with me,” Warden said. “That’s usually the feeling I get when a ghost is near me.”
Warden said ghosts haunted the last theater she worked in and she was really excited to hear about Nick when she came to K-State. Upper classmen who worked on set with her told Warden about the legend.
According to University Archives, Nick is the spirit of a football player who was injured during a game in the 1950s. He was carried into the cafeteria of the athletic dormitory where the Purple Masque is located today. After the game was over, a coach came back to check on Nick and found him dead.
Some say that Nick died from the injury while others say Nick died of an intuitive shock he felt when his parents, who were on their way to the game to watch Nick play, died in a car accident. According to the legend, Nick haunts the Masque because he is waiting for his parents to arrive.
While there is no record of a football player named Nick dying on the football field, there may be factual basis to Nick’s story. The legend of Nick could be based on one of two K-State students, John M. Holden or Bob Mayer, who died around the same time as the supposed ghost.
Whether Nick is real or not, the thought has intrigued theater and non-theater students for years, according to Charlotte MacFarland, associate professor in the department of communication studies, theater and dance.
MacFarland said strange things would never happen to the people who wanted to see Nick, but rather to the people who didn’t believe in any of the stories. She was one of those people.
MacFarland said her experience with Nick occurred in the 1970s, during an Ebony Theatre production of “Nobody Like Us.”
MacFarland said she saw an outline of a man appear in the stage doorway while watching rehearsal one rainy evening.
“The only way I can describe it is it looks like a man, it was the outline of a man,” she said. “He stepped right in front of the light and he was just standing there ... a silhouette.”
When MacFarland got up and walked toward the stage, the man disappeared.
MacFarland said she and her stage manager searched the entire building, looking under boxes and checking every corner, but no one was there. The doors were locked.
MacFarland said that it wasn’t until she was walking back to her car alone that she thought it might not have been an actual person standing in the doorway.
“I never bought into that kind of stuff, I just said it was theater people loving drama,” she said. “But on the way back I thought, ‘I think I’d rather it be a ghost than a person.’ I don’t like to think there was some creepy guy.”
The next day, MacFarland told the story to her Fundamentals of Acting students, a class held in the Purple Masque.
“I said, ‘Nick, you really scared me last night. It doesn’t matter because the truth is: I still don’t believe in you.’ And the work light just over my head burst. It exploded,” MacFarland said.
After that event, MacFarland wouldn’t go into the theater alone. She said if she was early for class, she would wait for a student to come along before she went in.
“I just always felt like there was something there, I really did. A lot of it was just left over from my experience, but I really did feel like something was going on,” she said.
That feeling no longer lingers for MacFarland.
“There was a point where I’d go in and I thought, ‘Nah, it’s just a theater,’ which I feel right now,” she said. “It doesn’t make me nervous at all.”
Like Warden, MacFarland does not think that Nick will move with the Masque.
“Whatever that entity is has a special feel for that particular place, so I’m not sure that these things will happen,” MacFarland said. “I think that either they would not happen at all or suddenly people wouldn’t feel comfortable in the welcome center. Maybe chairs will move and faces will appear in the welcome center, which might not be such a good idea.”
*********** Deceased Football Player Still Haunts Campus
Kansas State's East Stadium was used as the college's athletic center, throughout the 50's. After a new athletic center was built, The Purple Masque Theatre made its home on the first floor East Stadium rooms. This theatre presents plays which are produced, directed, designed and performed by K-State theatre students. Up until May of 2008, The Purple Masque Theatre was located in the East Stadium rooms 109 and 121, which now is the home of Telecommunications and Computing and Network Services, and the Technology Service Center, "to better serve the state university." The Purple Masque Theatre now uses much better stage areas set up for the other theater groups on campus.
Several ghostly manifestation have reported during the time that the Purple Masque Theater was located in the East Stadium.
The mischievous spirit of the deceased football player, known as Nick got his chuckles at the expense of the living. The ex-football player died in the building in the 1950's, when it was still used as an athletic center. He was injured one day during a practice and brought into the building, where he died soon after. His playful spirit has been here ever since, stomping up and down hallways, on staircases and on the theater stage. He also moves chairs and hides theater props at night but he is most famous for the levitation's! Wooden boxes that have been stacked in the dressing room have jumped to the floor and then re-stacked themselves... before the startled eyes of several witnesses. There is also a report of a fire extinguisher that was seen spinning around in mid-air, spraying white foam as it traveled. Nick's voice has also been caught on tape.
Recently, a female witness and her boyfriend while standing in the hall behind the East Stadium seating heard the sound of someone walking in football cleats behind them. When they turned around, they both saw the back of Nick's apparition, dressed in 1950's football gear walking down the hall towards the main floor of what was the activity center in the 1950's.
An apparition of a man dressed in a Confederate Civil War uniform, has long been seen, sitting in his own phantom chair in the theater and stage area.
Unless Nick was released from this world by a parapsychologist, he is still haunting the East Stadium, not willing to accept his death which wasn't supposed to happen, cutting short his plans for his life. He may follow the thespians over to the main theater, but he has been seen recently at the East Stadium by two eye witnesses.
The entity of the Confederate soldier seems to be haunting the land, and will probably be seen again as he doesn't care what department is using this space, which was probably originally the site of his home.
CNN - A voice heard on an amazing video of 300 feeding alligators says it all.
"I ain't never seen so many gators in my life."
Ray Cason's biggest catch earlier this month, when he went fishing at Stephen C. Foster State Park in the Okefenokee Swamp in southeast Georgia, was two videos that have made a splash on Facebook and YouTube. As of Tuesday night they had garnered nearly 100,000 page views, according to YouTube.
One of the videos looks like something out of an "Animal Planet" special. Alligator heads bob on the surface while others, in the background, gyrate and thrash in the water as they snap at mudfish, also known as bowfin.
The alligators are jammed in a canal perhaps 30 feet wide.
"With a high population of mudfish you can almost smell them," said Art Webster, supervisory refuge manager at the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge.
"I've never seen footage like that before," said state wildlife biologist Greg Nelms who, along with other wildlife officials, told CNN this rare "cooperative feeding" happens once every three or four years.
Stephen C. Foster park manager Travis Griffin believes it last happened in 2007.
Griffin, who was not at the park the weekend of the event, said rangers saw alligators congregating about 10 p.m. July 9 near the quarter-mile-long canal that leads from the Foster boat area into open water near Billy's Lake.
No one had any idea of the scene that would greet Cason, 39, of Homerville, Georgia, on the morning of July 10.
"When I put the boat in you had the awfulest ruckus," Cason said. Many alligators were in the boat basin.
He headed out in the early morning light with another boat close behind. Moments later, they realized they had about 150 alligators in front of them and 150 behind.
Cason said the teeming alligators were hunting together. Many formed a reptile wall beyond the canal.
"They would converge together," Cason said. "I saw gators pushing them [the fish] back [into the canal]. I saw them push them to the bank and eat them."
Cason returned to the park the next morning, July 11, and shot more video. He said about 175 gators were visible.
The alligators were gone by 8 a.m., according to Griffin. Although he and other wildlife officials said the waters are safe for boaters, the state park waited to be sure that wild morning.
"I wouldn't rent my boats out until they were gone," he said.
Stephen C. Foster State Park covers 80 acres. It is a small portion of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge's 401,000-plus acres. Webster estimates the refuge is home to about 11,000 alligators.
He said he was concerned that Cason and the other boater may have been pushing the gators along and might have hurt them. "This was potentially not a safe thing to do."
But Cason said he waited several minutes for most of the alligators to clear before he proceeded. An alligator bumped the boat behind him but wasn't injured, Cason said.
The videos were posted by the Clinch County News. Cason said he hopes to show additional footage to school groups.
"By no means is the swamp dangerous," he said. "It's probably something I never will see again."
Cason had additional luck that Saturday, catching his limit of jackfish and warmouth perch.
Life has almost returned to normal at Stephen C. Foster State Park, which is near the town of Fargo. Alligator sightings are at normal levels, it's hot and the park's beauty awaits visitors.
Griffin isn't sure whether Cason's encounter will bring more campers and boaters, but it sure has raised interest in the behavior of alligators.
"You can never predict what they are going to do," Webster said.
********* Dog-Eating Alligator in Florida Wanted 'Dead or Alive'
Florida officials have put out the word that an urban alligator who has been eating dogs and other pets and terrorizing a neighborhood is now wanted, dead or alive.
Gary Morse of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission told AFP the state agency has taken the unusual step of authorizing an alligator hunter to shoot and kill the three-meter (10-foot) long animal.
But finding this alligator, on the loose for two years in the St. Petersburg area and stalking pets around the city's canals, may not be easy, Morse said.
"Alligators regularly use the drainage system to travel. When you are trying to target a specific gator is really difficult to catch it," Morse said.
Tensions mounted on Monday night, when residents reported that the alligator ate a mixed breed dog who was running free near the canal. Then, the alligator was reportedly glimpsed the next morning near Tony's Meat Market.
But when Charles Carpenter, the alligator hunter, arrived on the scene, the culprit was nowhere to be seen.
Morse said some people have been reportedly feeding the renegade gator, making his capture even more complicated, because he is eluding bait traps.
"He's not hungry and he's got a lot of places to hide."
Carpenter told the St. Petersburg Times he plans to use a hunting rifle or semi-automatic pistol to take down his prey.
"He's good at not getting caught," Carpenter said.
dailymail - They could be mistaken for strange-looking birds but these creatures are actually manta rays, leaping a staggering nine feet in the air.
The plucky animals, which measure just over three feet wide, demonstrate their acrobatic skills by bursting out of the water.
Once airborne they to flap their impressive fins in what looks like an attempt to fly.
And, if they're feeling particularly playful, some even manage a somersault before plummeting back into the water with an impressive splash.
Photographers Roland and Julia Seitre captured the spectacle off the coast of Costa Rica, Central America.
The French couple had sailed six miles out to sea in the hope of catching sight of some whales but were also treated to this extraordinary rare acrobatic display.
Mr Seitre said: 'The males jumped clear out of the water, up to three metres [9ft] high.
'They flapped their wings during the few seconds of flight, before hitting the surface with a loud banging noise.
'Some think it is a way to attract female attention as we saw pairs close by.
'Numerous males take off and land one after another.
'The bangs are so loud it's like you're being close to a hunting party with guns.
'Occasionally one seems to have even more fun by doing a somersault.
'This kind of behaviour is extremely unpredictable and incredibly rare to witness.
'We were so lucky, it was a complete coincidence that we were there in the first place.'
He added: 'These manta rays are beautiful.
'Their large wing-shaped bodies and slow motion make them excellent sea gliders.
'They not only impress with their size but also with their very elegant flight into the blue oceans.'
The manta ray is the largest of the all the rays.
They can grow up to 25ft across and weigh around 5,100lb. Graceful: Looking as though it's flapping its 'wings' the amazing animal leaps through the air
Graceful: Looking as though it's flapping its 'wings' the amazing animal leaps through the air
The species are found in tropical waters and feed mostly on plankton, which is filtered into their bodies through their gills as swim.
Perfectly stream-lined for gliding through the water, the manta ray can reach speeds of up to 7mph.
They are often spotted swimming with divers and will sometimes surface alongside boats.
New World's Smallest Man
orange - A 40-year-old from a village in south west China is hoping to claim the title of world's shortest man.
At just 76cm (just under two foot, six inches) Huang Kaiquan is only 1.4cm higher than previous record holder He Pingping, who died in March aged 21.
Huang, who smokes heavily and is a former magician, is the height and weight of an average three year old.
In Sanjiang village, Huang is known to locals as 'Short Brother'. He still lives with his mother Cheng.
She said: "He didn't grow at all one month after birth. We thought it's just late development and didn't pay enough attention.
"When Huang was three, he still wore the clothes of a one-year-old. It was then we noticed his unusualness."
Zebra, Donkey Hybrid Born in Georgia
gainesville - In all his years running the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve, C.W. Wathen has never seen it happen. But five days ago, a zedonk was born.
“The animals have been running (in the fields) together for more than 40 years, but this is the first time that this has happened here,” said Wathen, the preserve’s founder and general manager. “We never suspected that they (had mated), so it was quite a surprise when the zedonk was born.”
The animal is a mix between a zebra and donkey. With black stripes prominently displayed on her legs and face, her zebra heritage is readily apparent, but her slender face and spindly legs are more donkeylike.
“White tigers are more of our calling card, but this is one of the most unique animals that has ever been born here,” Wathen said. While she was born to a donkey mother, the baby zedonk’s instincts are all zebra.
“Usually, a foal will lay over on its side, sunning itself,” Wathen said. “But the zedonk sits up at all time — like she’s on alert looking out for predators. She’s still got some of her wild instincts.”
Although it’s uncommon for donkeys and zebras to mate, it isn’t unheard of. In 2005, a zebra gave birth to a zedonk in Barbados, according to the news website, Science Daily. And in the 1970s, three zedonks were born at a European zoo to a donkey mother, according to the Colchester Zoo’s website.
In about two weeks, the 5-day-old zedonk will begin roaming the property with the rest of the animals — including a camel, a donkey sibling, her zebra father and a 40-year-old miniature donkey.
Once the zedonk gets a little older, Wathen said she’ll be able to go out for off-site visits like some of the other animals on the preserve.
“The kids (visiting the preserve) have been going crazy about the zedonk,” he said.
Other animals on the 25-acre nonprofit preserve include giant tortoises, colorful macaws, white tigers, black leopards and a 2-month-old wolf.
“We keep all the animals fed really well, so a lot of the animals that would normally be predators in the wild run together in the same areas here,” Wathen said. “In the wild they are competing for food, but here they don’t have to compete, so there’s no fighting.”
********** Baby Drowns After Baptism in Moldova
ninemsn - A priest in eastern Europe has been accused of drowning a baby boy as he baptised him.
Police are investigating Father Valentin for accidential homicide after witnesses at the ceremony said the priest did not cover the baby's mouth during the ritual, The Sun newspaper reports.
Father Valentin had denied being responsible for the baby's death during the baptism in Moldova.
The six-week-old baby died on the way to hospital and an autopsy found he had drowned, the baby's dad Dumitru Gaidau told Romania's Publica TV.
Mr Gaidau, 36, said his son was clearly in distress during the ceremony.
"He couldn't inhale, his face turned blue and he was foaming at the mouth. He [the priest] said we should not interrupt this their ritual," he said.
"We couldn't believe it that he just put his hand over his belly and over the head and submerged him three times in the water."
Water was found in the baby's lungs.
The baby's godmother, Aliona Vacarciuc, said the baby had been crying as the priest submerged him in the water.
"We couldn't believe it but we thought the priest must know what he's doing, but he didn't. When we got him back there was nothing that could be done anymore," The Sun quoted her as saying.
When the baby's angry relatives confronted the priest, he told them he knew what he was doing and was experienced at baptisms, Ms Vacarciuc said.
If found guilty of accidental homicide, Father Valentin could spend three years in jail.
oaoa - For the past 29 months, Jan David Clark has sat in an isolation cell in the Ector County Detention Center wondering how things could have gone so awry.
Though he admits to killing his wife during an attempted exorcism in February 2008, he maintains he never intended to harm the woman he “loved and spoiled” for 17 years.
“That was not a willing thing that took place,” Clark, 63, recalled in a jailhouse interview Tuesday. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s still a supernatural thing.”
After more than two years of delays, Clark is scheduled to be tried this fall on murder charges in connection with the death of 59-year-old Susan K. Clark. About two dozen subpoenas were mailed Tuesday to various investigators and law enforcement officials, ordering them to appear for trial Sept. 13 in Judge Stacy Trotter’s 244th District Court.
Clark was unaware of the trial date before the interview but said he is more than ready. “I’ve waited long enough,” he said, adding he has not ruled out testifying in his own defense.
Authorities say Clark killed his wife in their Ferguson Avenue home in West Odessa. According to court filings, Clark told investigators he held his wife’s face to the floor of their bathroom when the exorcized spirit from her body entered his, causing him to kill his wife.
Investigators found Susan Clark wrapped in a bed sheet on her back with a cross and a sword atop her body. Preliminary autopsy results revealed she had been suffocated, court documents show.
Clark said he regrets attempting the exorcism alone, noting a group effort would have been more appropriate.
“My intention was to confront a demon I thought she had,” Clark said. “I had a pretty arrogant attitude about the whole thing.”
Clark acknowledged Tuesday that he did not have “all my oars in the water” at the time of his arrest. But he insisted that murder is the wrong charge because he “did not willingly” kill his wife.
“That ain’t right,” Clark said of the murder charge. “Never has been.”
Asked whether he should be accountable for his wife’s death, Clark said he feels he has already paid his penance by spending more than two years behind bars.
“I feel like I have been held accountable already,” Clark said.
Clark said he has bided his time by watching television and reading his Bible. Sgt. Gary Duesler of the Ector County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Clark has been held in “separation” because “we don’t want him around other people.”
“The man allegedly committed a heinous crime,” Duesler said.
Clark’s defense attorney, Lawrence Barber of Odessa, declined to comment on the case. District Attorney Bobby Bland, who is trying the case for the state, also declined to comment.
Over the past several months, Clark said he has grown accustomed to isolation. He said Tuesday he wouldn’t join general population even if given the chance. His only complaints are the quality of the food and the temperature of his cell.
“You could hang meat in my cell,” Clark said with a laugh.
bristolpress - State police continue to investigate the theft of the "Green Lady" headstone from the cemetery on Upson Road.
The theft occurred during the overnight hours of July 20-21 and that more than one person was involved due to the size of the stone, according to a police press release.
A passerby reported the 200-pound headsone for Elisabeth Palmiter, who is known as the Green Lady, as is the cemetery, was missing.
Local folklore has it that Palmiter’s spirit appears in a greenish mist, but with a well-defined body. The oft-vandalized site attracts paranormal investigators and youths.
Palmiter died in 1800 at age 30. The headstone is from the 1970s and replaces her original headstone, the report says.
Known throughout the Avon-Burlington-Simsbury region as the "Green Lady of Burlington," this restless spirit always appears in the form of a greenish mist, but with a well-defined body and a soft, pretty face lighted by an enigmatic smile.
Perhaps because of her generally happy features, quiet ways and non-threatening actions, stories about the Green Lady usually contain some imaginative explanation of her continuing presence in the town cemetery and speculation about her identity. Also, because she may be Connecticut's most boring ghost, her legends are almost always endowed by the story-teller with elements of violence or catastrophe, using motifs well-known by folklorists to "migrate" from one supernatural legend to another. So far as they can be reasonably established, however, her identity and motivations remain a total mystery. She just materializes unexpectedly, glows green for a time, smiles her sweet smile and then disappears.
Like most ghost stories, tales of the Green Lady of Burlington are most prominent in the legend repertoire of young people ranging in age, say, from early adolescence through the mid-twenties. This age group has been both active in seeking out the ghostly figure in green and in passing along accounts of her appearances. The versions of the Green Lady legend printed below were all told about twelve years ago by a student at Eastern Connecticut State College (now University), who, in characteristic fashion, was not an eyewitness to any of the things recorded in the stories. Rather, he had heard them from others and then tried to repeat what he had heard as accurately as possible.
The legends are set down here exactly as the student informant tape-recorded them, because with all their grammatical slips, digressions, repetitions, abrupt shifts in subject matter and gaps in continuity, they illustrate well the style of oral story-telling. In short, they reveal what legends really sound like at the point of transmission, before some writer has intervened to pretty them up for a reading audience. Even so, a reader of these verbatim transcripts should be able to get to know the Green Lady of Burlington and to sense the fun of immediate participation in the traditional lore she has inspired.
This is a story that concerns a lot of the people around Burlington, Connecticut. I don't live too far from there. I live in Simsbury. Most of the people around the area know the whole story. People have kept clippings, newspaper clippings, about it, since this has been going on a hundred years now. It happens at a gravesite in Burlington. It's near a dump and it's in the backwoods. It's a well-known place to go. It's closed off now. The police patrol the area and they have a fence around it, and people that are caught in the graveyard were persecuted [sic] by the police department. Of course, with so many deaths in the graveyard and people getting killed, murdered and so forth, they had to close it off for security sake. I've been down there about twice.
The story that I've heard is that the lady who used to live near the graveyard -- and this happened in the 1800s -- was drowned. There's a swamp or small lake near a house there (or a pond) and she was drowned mysteriously. I don't know if her husband had done it or someone in the area. Supposedly on her grave, she does have some remarks, but I don't quite remember what they were. Something about if you disturb her grave, she will haunt you, or whatever. She'll haunt you until she comes back -- or something like that.
But she is supposed to be green. It was a swamp area and when she had risen from the swamp, she was covered with this green slime. It looks like a green mist. Kids have been in there. There's a house right next to where she used to live. There's no lights of course. It's a back road. It's a small cemetery. And there's a story, if you were caught around her grave, something will happen. Quite a few people have seen her.
* * * * * There's numerous stories about the graveyard and this is just a story about what happened to two or three kids -- two kids, as a matter of fact -- that were in the graveyard. They were playing around the graveyard and they got startled and scared. There's two huge oaks in front of the graveyard and you can drive your car into the graveyard. They drove their car in the graveyard and they must have gotten so scared they didn't know what they were doing, apparently, and hit one of the oaks and they were killed instantly.
* * * * * The house is right near the graveyard that she [the Green Lady] used to live in and if you pass near there, there's her portrait in the window! There's only one light on in the house and that's a light on the portrait. Of course, they never have the shade [drawn]. The shades are always open and the picture may be seen from the road. She was buried right near the swamp.
* * * * * This story concerns the Green Lady, also. My brother was in there [the graveyard] once. It was about midnight or afterwards. It was in the early morning. He was in the graveyard with some of his friends. Out of nowhere a guy, apparently, with a lantern had chased them from the graveyard, screaming. Of course, they didn't wait to find out what did happen. But they did run. That, of course, is an unknown story, too. It may have been her husband or someone. I don't know. He has supposedly gone, like, mad. Also, if you bring a girl with you into the cemetery, the precaution you 're supposed to take is to cut the girl's fingernails beforehand, 'cause the Green Lady may possess her body and turn on you. And this is also another story that goes along with her.
So, there are some of the things that they say about the Green Lady of Burlington. Just remember, if you ever chance to be driving along that back road in Burlington by the town cemetery and see a lighted portrait in a window of the house nearby, don't turn in at the graveyard before clipping your fingernails. And if you do happen to come face to face with the misty-green ghost, watch out for those oaks when you leave. After all, the lady really means no harm. Source: 'Legendary Connecticut' - David E. Philips
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