lufkindaily - A Lufkin woman claims she saw the ghost of her mother-in-law standing behind her dancing daughter this week.
Dezarae Smith’s 6-year-old daughter, Ivy, and husband, Corey, were on the front porch of their home on Wednesday when a young boy took a picture of the two with his cell phone.
“They were going fishing, and my daughter asked this little boy to take a picture of her while she was dancing,” Smith said. “There were only three people on the porch at the time. I was at work when the picture was taken, but when I saw it, my mouth just dropped. I don’t believe in ghosts, but it made a believer out of me.”
A form stands behind the little girl in the picture, and Smith said you can see the outline of a woman’s face, nose and eyes, as well as a hand.
“I know it’s not Ivy’s shadow,” Smith said. “It’s almost like the figure is facing the person who took the picture and waving 'Hi.’ Kind of like making itself known. You don’t see that in a shadow.”
Smith’s mother-in-law passed away on July 13, 2007 — three years and one day before the picture was taken. On Tuesday, other relatives had been pressuring the 6-year-old to move forward from memories of her beloved grandmother — a suggestion that upset her.
The young girl and older woman had a very close connection, Smith said, and the two loved to dance together.
“It makes me more sure that it’s Ivy’s grandmother standing behind her, because she asked the boy to take a picture of her dancing,” Smith said. “When she died from a massive heart attack it really affected everyone pretty bad. It was very unexpected and no one knew she was sick or even had heart problems. For the first two years of her life, Ivy would live with her grandmother off and on. They had a very special bond. Even now, Ivy will sit in her room talking to herself and no one knows who she is talking to.”
Neighbors and co-workers agree the form is a ghost, Smith said, but husband Corey was slightly skeptical.
“When I show it to people, they get chills on their necks and arms,” Smith said. “My husband wasn’t sure it was a ghost, but when I pointed out the details, he came to agree it was a ghost.”
If anything, Smith said this experience is helping her family gain peace.
“We think that Ivy’s grandma is still there and protecting her and telling her that everything is going to be fine,” Smith said. “It’s just confirmation that her grandma is watching over her.”
Photo: Woman Claims She Captured Mother-In-Law's Spectre On Cell Camera