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MUFON Case Management Report - Witness Statement - unedited: I have been taking pictures for over a year now of strange events going on in my own back yard. I first noticed a star that really stood out and started observing it through binoculars. Since then, these star like lights have multiplied and produce other strange flying lights. One time, the flying lights came straight at me, making me fall down with my camera but managed to capture it anyway. After observing these for a while, I noticed my back yard motion detector lights going off. For some reason, I don't no why, I goggled orbs and got the information on how to take pictures of these. Sure enough, my first night taking pictures with the only intent of capturing orbs, I was shocked. There were hundreds of them, most of them with faces. Since then, I have noticed that these orbs are always around when I take pictures of the UFOs. The strangest video I took was around Feb. 6, 2010 of the strange light in the sky. My friends, who have been the biggest skeptics, have changed their mind when viewing this incredible video. You'll have to see it to believe it. Thank you for this opportunity to tell someone.
NOTE: the witness posted the videos on YouTube in April 2010...then eventually posted this report today. Watch the videos...what's your impression? Lon
Videos: Pulsating, Morphing UFOs Over Colorado