Friday, November 26, 2010

Strange Noises in Ottawa

A reader in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada sent an inquiry in reference to strange rhythmic noises that he experienced:

I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. About 5 years ago in September or October at about 10:30 at night I turned off my T.V. downstairs and went to the upstairs of my small 2 bedroom apartment. When I looked out the downstairs window, on my way upstairs, I noticed a couple running rather hurried past, almost as if they had a small altercation with a passing vehicle. The car kept going it's direction and the couple the opposite. I lived on a relatively busy street at the time and it was strangely empty of traffic, pedestrian or otherwise. I opened the upstairs door to my balcony and stepped outside where I could see the couple disappear some blocks away. I noticed an eerie repetitive sound best described as "croaking". It seemed to come from across the street at first, yet it was hard to peg exactly what direction it came from.

I sat at my computer near an open window facing the street and logged in so I could go over any emails I may have received. The entire time I continued hearing the croaking, it was louder and I noticed a pattern to it. It was a consistent quasi- melodic beat of croaks, almost electronic sounding, as from an sympathizer of a Moog organ on a strange setting. I figured it was coming from a room across the street where someone was blaring their stereo. It played a constant rhythm of about 20 "croaks" that strangely had an almost "Mexican" quality. It would almost sound as if it were going to break into something more melodic then suddenly break back into the exact pattern of 20 beats again. I listened closer in case I was just picking up the "backbeat" of something thinking maybe it was a stereo speaker close to a window and the other speaker was too far away to hear what it was accompanying. Nothing.Now it had gone on for at least 10 minutes and I am trying to ignore it, to shrug it off and to carry on with my Emails. I remember the running couple and wonder if it was a coincidence that I saw them when it started.

Five more minutes past and it seemed louder and to have moved. I went back onto the balcony again figuring if it was somebody playing a CD, tape or instrument I'd see them through a window. There were not even any windows where I could see a light lit, the odd car may have passed but no pedestrian traffic. Had anyone walked by I would have started up a conversation about the noise but no one did.

I was now narrowing down the sound to my left, across the street and down the block out of my view. It was quite obvious to me now it was outside, not from an apartment. It also was near 11:00 p.m. and noise laws kick into effect. I was really curious as to what it was and almost tempted to call the police and see if had been called in. I almost felt the sound moving toward me at one point, filling the empty Street and seeming louder, almost above me. I was creeped out at this point and went back into my bedroom. Not much later it stopped. I had been entertaining the idea of calling my buddy to let him hear it over the phone but it was suddenly gone. I looked in the papers the next day and kept an eye and ear on the t.v. and radio news but heard nothing.

Here comes the strange part. I mentioned it to a coworker who lives on the other side of town literally 10 miles from me on the outskirts of Ottawa and she recounted the same noises. She and her Son had heard the noise for about half the time I did. I mimicked it and she mimicked back pretty much the same tune, if you could call it that. Keep in mind this time of year in Canada it can get a lot cooler at night so not everyone would have windows open. I don't think I would have heard it had my windows been shut.

Could it have been related to phone lines? Is there some bizarre "speaker alarm" being tested and if so why no talk about it? Why in such a bizarre series of robotic "croaks"?

I'm curious if this is a common happening and if it can be explained logically.

NOTE: I'd appreciate your comments for the reader...Lon

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