Monday, November 22, 2010

Witness: Strange Lights and Draconians

During an evening in June 2004, Mike B. was about three miles from Dobbins AFB, Georgia in the woods hunting for deer. He had to walk because the woods were too thick and it was impossible to take an ATV back with him. He then decided to camp for the night. According to the witness there are several talc mines in the area and plenty of game.

It was late evening, turning dark and warm. To the north of where he was camping he saw blue lights in the sky. They were hovering over the ground and then they went behind a hill. A short while later he began to hear "clicking-chirping" birdlike sounds, unlike any he was able to identify. The sounds kept getting closer. When Mike shined a flashlight, he saw a creature that immediately ran from the light.

Later heard something walking toward him at his campsite and his first reaction was to go for his gun and take a shot. He said the campfire was lit and he saw the creature which he described as "god-awful". The creature was reptilian in nature and much taller than himself (Mike was 6'6" in height), greenish/brown and scaly with catlike eyes. The creature then began to circle around Mike's campfire and Mike felt a couple of rocks being hurled at him.

He became curious and remained at camp though he didn't sleep the whole night. It seemed that there were more than one creature and they kept circling around the camp all night long. In fact he used all his ammunition and his last shot was around 7:00am. Apparently the creatures communicated among themselves by using chirping and clicking sounds. Mike said he had shot a deer earlier and he left it behind for the creatures.

In the morning he noticed that the deer was gone, and tracks were there as if it had been dragged off...tracks that led to the talc mines which had a three-foot wide and four foot high opening. He had seen only one reptilian during the night, but when he got up in the morning he found three sets of footprints. The footprints measured a size 14 in a man-size shoe with three toed feet...three in the front and one in the back "like a lizard's toes." According to Mike local residents have reported the mysterious disappearance of their pets and other small animals. There are also reports of two missing persons in the area.



Mike B. - Correspondence to Reported to BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio

I e-mailed you before about the draconians. this is what happened a couple days before I emailed you I was hunting down by the creek, camping out there. I started hearing things like birds sounds and then I saw something hat I will never forget. It looked almost like a lizard on two feet slighty taller than me, around 7ft tall. The thing started walking my way and I was scared to death. The next morning I went home and when I got back I found footprints and I realized that there were more than one of them there. I figured out that they must be coming out of the old talc mines in the area.

There were also strange lights in the area I was in. I live 25 miles from Dobbins Air Force Base. The lights were blueish and were hovering over the woods to the north of me. At the time I thought the lights were because of the base, but now I think it was something else. Mike B.

NOTE: I could not find any police reports on missing persons or pets. Please forward information that you may have that pertains to this case or other related incidents...Lon

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