Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cemetery Ghost Hunting and 'Fan Days'...UGH!

An associate at Spirit Rescue International forwarded a link to this article with this statement..."I know in the 1800s, it was popular to have picnics at local cemeteries, as they were clean, grassy areas, but from all I have ever read, it was a calm social atmosphere, very proper and respectful. Times have changed, and so have social attitudes, including not respecting the dead, the feelings of others related to those who have died. For the most part, cemeteries are a public place, open to anyone, but I have to agree, the ghost hunting and celebration of it must be traumatic for those who are visiting final resting places of their loved ones."

I have a different take on this type of activity. Each time I hear of paranormal groups conducting business within a cemetery I cringe with trepidation and a bit of disbelief. If you want to acquire an attached negative entity, continue strolling through the graveyard spiritually unprotected and asking questions, you're bound to find one...or one is bound to find you. When SRI receives cases where a 'ghost hunter' has an attachment or has brought a surprise back home with them...the majority of the time it is related to their paranormal escapades in a cemetery. If you're going to channel or connect with spirits in a graveyard, please do so with respect and some knowledge of what you're doing.

Please read the following:

"I have noticed a disturbing trend in the world of the paranormal investigator/ghost hunter as of late; it seems there are an increasing amount of so called teams who are holding “Fan Days” inside of cemeteries. Is this what investigating has been reduced to? Disrespectful disregard for those interred and to their families visiting their dearly departed? Lets imagine stopping by to visit a lost loved one only to come upon a gaggle of flack-vest wearing, K2 meter, EMF pump having bunch mugging in front of Our Lady of Sorrows or Grandma’s headstone, how would you feel?"

"When did this become an accepted way to socialize for paranormal investigators? I do understand the Para-TV following crowd (gag) wanting to be just like their hero’s but I can’t say I recall seeing Jason or Grant posing in front of memorial statues or holding a “Fan Day” at the local cemetery. I feel it’s time to say something about this new trend evolving into the norm. Where’s all the sense of right and wrong when it comes to having respect for the deceased and their families?"

"If I found a paranormal team posing and having a picnic “fan day” anywhere near my family’s final resting spot I would have a fit, just seeing this the other day was sickening."

"One team in particular that seems to have made this a regular a party event is PAST of Illinois (Paranormal Activity Specialist Team of Illinois), a relatively new team that seems to think cemeteries are their own amusement parks and a great place to meet up and hang out while looking for the Holy Grail of an EMF spike. SciFake receives several tips every day but this one about PAST of Illinois really struck a nerve with me and it was just too much over the top to forget about."

"How would you feel if you saw a picture of these people conducting a self-promotional event where members of your family are buried? Just disgusting, you would think there was some sort of self monitored guideline or unwritten moral compass that would say to these people this is wrong. You can check this crew out posing for “Fan Day” in the slideshow below, this is just a sample of this teams nonchalant attitude when it comes to trying to make a name for themselves."

"As innocuous and comical as this inept little cadre of GH wannabes may seem in their quasi-military ghost busting garb posing with their hilarious “Ghost Meters” and such, I am much more upset about this rather disturbing trend of emerging paranormal team “Fan Days” at local cemeteries…now granted there are cemeteries with historic significance and famous haunted legends and lore associated with them…I have read many articles about such places that were presented both respectfully and reverently and often included both photos and videos, but the authors are seldom if ever in the shots."

"Sitting atop memorials and gracing the steps of family crypts for “fan day”? .. is this how we want the world to view paranormal investigators? One of the most enraging shots included in the many albums of their graveyard adventures is a member of PAST of Illinois posing in front of the grave site of Mary Alice Quinn, the miracle child at Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery. I don’t care who you are, that’s tacky period." - scifake

NOTE: may I suggest you go to the link and read some of the comments. Thanks to Tammy for forwarding the article...Lon

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