Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spiritual / Paranormal Activity: Ouija Board Debate, Haxby Haunting Resolved and RVing Osama bin Laden

Is the Ouija Board Controlled Subconsciously?

What's the secret to a Ouija board? Up until World War I, the device was treated like a harmless parlor game, but people began debating the board's paranormal properties after American Spiritualists touted it as a divining tool. All occultism aside, we still argued about whether the board's "messages" were manipulated consciously or subconsciously.

To settle the argument, Sunker Abaji Bisey, an Indian scientist, invented a "spirit typewriter," or a ouija board that used blank typewriter keys instead of letters. In a patent from 1922, Bisey wrote that he developed the device as a means to receive so-called spiritual transmissions without human interference. Each key was attached to a letter or number hidden under the circular tray. While using the ouija board, the operator would spin the device several times before allowing "the spirits" to type on the blank keys using the handheld triangle. That ensured that the operator could not in any way see the letters the Ouija board was supposedly selecting. At the end of the session, you could pull out the ribbon to see if there were a message on it. The spirit typewriter seems to have vanished--we're not sure if it ever succeeded in debunking the powerful Ouija board.

Scientists now see the Ouija board, which is used in most corners of the world, as an example of the ideomotor effect in action: an unconscious physical movement. Basically, we're doing it without knowing we're doing it. Except when people know they're doing it. Which they sometimes do. -


The Body in the Bed - True Story or Urban Legend?

“A man and woman went to Las Vegas for their honeymoon, and checked into a suite at a hotel. When they got to their room they both detected a bad odour. The husband called down to the front desk and asked to speak to the manager. He explained that the room smelled very bad and they would like another suite. The manager apologized and told the man that they were all booked because of a convention. He offered to send them to a restaurant of their choice for lunch compliments of the hotel and said he was going to send a maid up to their room to clean and to try and get rid of the odour.

After a nice lunch the couple went back to their room. When they walked in they could both still smell the same odour. Again the husband called the front desk and told the manager that the room still smelled really bad. The manager told the man that they would try and find a suite at another hotel. He called every hotel on the strip, but every hotel was sold out because of the convention. The manager told the couple that they couldn’t find them a room anywhere, but they would try and clean the room again. The couple wanted to see the sights and do a little gambling anyway, so they said they would give them two hours to clean and then they would be back.

When the couple had left, the manager and all of housekeeping went to the room to try and find what was making the room smell so bad. They searched the entire room and found nothing, so the maids changed the sheets, changed the towels, took down the curtains and put new ones up, cleaned the carpet and cleaned the suite again using the strongest cleaning products they had. The couple came back two hours later to find the room still had a bad odour. The husband was so angry at this point, he decided to find whatever this smell was himself. So he started tearing the entire suite apart himself.”

“As he pulled the top mattress off the box spring he found a dead body of a woman.”

This has to be counted as one of the most terrifying of the Urban Legends because it is one of the only of the creepy crop that actually has factual validation. Although there are no incidents that mirror this one exactly (none having been reported in Vegas), there have been numerous reports of stories similar to this appearing in newspapers around America.

In 1999, the Burgen Record reports of an incident of two German tourists, who had complained of a terrible, rancid smell in their room. Despite complaining, the couple ended up staying the night, sleeping above the decomposing corpse of a Saul Hernandez, 64, who was found in a similar hiding place as the body in the Urban Legend in the Burgundy Motor Inn in Atlantic City, another American gambling Mecca.
The most recent story paralleling the Body in the Bed was reported in March, 2010 in Memphis. ABC Eyewitness News reported:

“On March 15th, investigators were called back to room 222 at the Budget Inn, where the body of Sony Millbrook was found under the bed. Police say she was found inside the metal box frame that sits directly on the floor after someone reported smelling a strange odor. The box springs and mattress fit into the top of the bed frame.

Room 222, according to investigators, had been rented 5 times and cleaned many times by the hotel staff since the day Millbrook was reported missing. Homicide investigators say Millbrook appears to have been murdered.”


Haxby, North Yorkshire Haunting Resolved - Spirit Rescue International

Hi to all....Irene and I conducted another remote view for this case on Thursday, May 5th. The entity had already be removed from the location but we wanted to check for an open portal and close it if found.

Irene set the target coordinates for me and monitored the session. We systematically executed 4 phases in order to perceive the target and to gather as much information possible.

In Phase 1, the coordinates (a set of two - four digit numbers) were given to me...from which an ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept) was developed. I was able to perceive a basic description of the target.

In Phase 2, there was an attempt to narrow down the actual target by probing for sounds, textures, temperatures, colors, luminescence, contrast and smells. Through this information I tried to focus in on any verticals, horizontals, diagonals, topography, mass and energetics as well as my overall 'feeling' of the target. I was drawn to an area of the house (the upstairs)...eventually into a bedroom.

In Phase 3, I made a rough sketch or drawing of what I was perceiving.

In Phase 4, I went into a deeper perception of the target. This included sense, magnitudes, emotions, physicals, subspace and concepts. It was determined that a column of static-like energy was present in the master bedroom. This was most certainly a's was determined that an attempt would be made to close it.

I was again taken back to the target in order to observe the portal energy while Irene closed it. In a matter if a few minutes, the energy level decreased, folded 'in on itself' and eventually dissipated. NOTE: I heard someone in the room make a I hope we didn't startled the client during the session.

We will continue to monitor the location...the clients have been given instructions on how to protect themselves and home from negative energy.

At this point, the case is considered closed...Lon

Spirit Rescue International case logs are accessible at Astral Perceptions - registration required.


Were Psychic Spies from US National Security Agency Targeting Osama bin Laden?

AmericanChronicle - by Gary S. Bekkum - Multiple sources claim to have been approached by US government officials concerning a 21st Century post-9/11 paranormal program, allegedly housed within the secretive National Security Agency (NSA).

An independent source affiliated with the Washington Post confirmed some of the information previously provided to STARstream Research (SSR) and

According to various accounts, shortly after al Qaida launched attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, US and UK based intelligence agencies approached persons known for their 'extraordinary human performance' capabilities. Among the self-proclaimed 'psychics' contacted by intelligence sources were Uri Geller, who had previously worked with the US CIA, and Chris Robinson, who had provided warnings of terror events to British authorities.

Uri Geller identified his intelligence contact to writer Jon Ronson as "Ron," who is widely believed to be Ronald S. Pandolfi, a CIA analyst (according to the New York Times) who later worked at DIA under the Director of National Intelligence.

Within a year of Geller's 'outing' of Ron to Jon Ronson, the UK Ministry of Defence was looking into the potential of using psychic intelligence, as was later reported by the BBC and other mainstream media sources.

Meanwhile, the United States was also re-investigating the use of paranormal powers for intelligence collection, following a reported warning of the 9/11 events made by Chris Robinson, hours before airplanes crashed into and destroyed the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City.

Later Robinson would report that his "seven year" contact with US intelligence had been indicted on espionage charges. Based upon Robinson's claim and other information provided on background to STARstream Research by several sources, including former intelligence officials and their civilian associates, the alleged government sponsored psychic spy research is directed by NSA's SIGINT division from Fort Meade, Maryland. Research centers supporting the program are allegedly affiliated with Johns Hopkins University and The Monroe Institute. Several sources also mentioned John L. Petersen's The Arlington Institute think tank, which had been identified in US government files as a source on government psychic programs.

NSA-related sources first revealed the existence of the NSA paranormal program to investigative author Gus Russo, in 2007.

According to Russo's sources, the NSA considers the use of 'psychic information' as a legitimate form of signals intelligence, suggesting a transmission medium may have been confirmed by NSA scientists. During the cold war, several Soviet scientists claimed so-called torsion fields stored and transmitted human perceptions, allowing for "remote viewing" of distant locations. In the 1970s the CIA sponsored research into remote viewing and later the American Defense Intelligence Agency tasked a small group of psychic intelligence officers against targets in the Soviet Union. Some of the DIA STAR GATE psychic spy files were released through the CIA in 2004.

One of the DIA briefings for the Undersecretary of Defense is available to view at

According to Chris Robinson, some of the psychic targets of interest to US officials included locating Saddam Hussein and finding hidden Iranian nuclear installations.

In recent years, several former government officials who had been involved with now declassified psychic spy programs have expressed interest in the use of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) of the human brain during remote viewing experiments. In 2008, STARstream Research arranged for a meeting between a former CIA official and a Chinese researcher in Beijing, who had proposed an experimental test to determine if human perception was capable of achieving the superposition of two parallel worlds. According to modern physics, quantum theory predicts that the world is constantly splitting into a collection of different universes called the multiverse, where different possible outcomes are all taking place.



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