Friday, March 4, 2011

Photos: Unknown Entity - Worthing, West Sussex, UK

I received the following correspondence from a reader in West Sussex, UK:

A couple of years ago a neighbour and I were discussing ghosts and the paranormal. She said she had something to show me. On her cell phone were 3 pictures taken by her 5 year old son at 5am in the morning. His mother had gone downstairs to get a baby bottle heated up for her 8 month old son. You can see the edge of the bed and her husbands bulky legs under the quilt. The cot with her 8 month old son is in the left hand corner.

The eldest 5 year old son, who had hopped into her bed snapped the pictures as he usually likes playing with her cellphone. It's a common occurrence with him. She came across the photos when clearing out her phone of clutter some months later. The time stamps on the photos were removed when I transferred them over to my computer and then an external hard drive. However, I did witness the time stamps, dates and the pictures showed they were taken within 3 -7 seconds of each other.

The picture shows a woman that looks nothing like my neighbour, the head shape is all wrong and it appears she is wearing a suit and skirt. When you enhance the picture certain features look terrifying. My neighbour stated she had been in her dressing gown and pj's.

My neighbour has had lots of paranormal activity in her house over the years and has witnessed on one occasion a red-eyed being staring through her dining room window at night. Her husband has also witnessed the same strange going's on. I have no reason to disbelieve my neighbour as she is one of the most honest and open people I know.

I have myself had weird going's on in my home. Appliances turn on and off, the usual weird things, which I ignore most of the time as I believe all ghosts to be demonic and I basically tell them to take a hike. It doesn't scare me in the slightest, although from your POV it probably should. LOL

I happened to snap a picture in my garden one day and this is what prompted my neighbour to show me her photographs as I rushed round to show her the garden shot (I was excited). If you zoom into the fence you should see 3 brown wooden dots, scroll up slightly and you shall see a transparent human figure wearing what looks like a hat. I have placed a smaller version of the original so you can see the location, and then you can find it on the original larger file. (NOTE: I examined the photos of the garden and determined that it may simply be a light anomaly. I have posted the images below - you can click the images for a larger version...Lon)

We live in Sussex, near to Clapham Woods (Friends Of Hecate sacrificial grounds) and Highdown Hill. Sussex is steeped in mysticism and hauntings, so I shouldn't be too surprised. M

NOTE: I examined the images of the figure and have determined that there was no manipulation and, in fact, that the photos may be genuine. What I find interesting is that there does seem to be some definition on the entity. My associate Irene took a look and agrees with me that it looks like a person or being looking to it's left wearing some type of scarf and jacket / suit and the hands in the pockets. My impression is that this is a non-terrestrial being and not a human spirit. Your thoughts...Lon



The Clapham Wood Mystery is the name given to a collection of unusual events which are associated with Clapham Wood, West Sussex, England, resulting in the area developing its own lore in popular culture. Events have included reports of people making unusual sights or experiencing unusual phenomena, and of family pets disappearing or sickening. There have also been several human deaths associated with the location.

Since the 1960s the area has experienced a rash of UFO sightings, reports of people experiencing nausea or the sensation of being pushed by unseen forces, or of witnessing patches of strange grey mist developing suddenly on pathways through the woods. Some people have also reported a strong sense of being followed. Studies with a Geiger counter have revealed slightly elevated levels of background radiation in the area, which is surprising since the area is situated on chalk which is normally low in radiation due to a lower level of Potassium 40. Early photographs of the area appear to show a large crater or depression within the woods, although the area is now more heavily forested and difficult to search.

In 1975, several reports, including some in the national press, were made of pets going missing in the area. Initially, two dogs were said to have disappeared without a trace, a third to have vanished but later reappeared suffering from an unidentified illness for which it had to be euthanised. After news of these three cases became public, other dog owners came forward claiming that their pets had experienced agitation in the woods.

Four deaths have occurred either in or close to the woods and have since become part of the lore surrounding it. The first death was in June 1972 when police officer Peter Goldsmith disappeared while hiking in the region. His body was discovered 6 months later. The second death was that of Leon Foster whose body was discovered in August 1975. He had been missing for 3 weeks. The third death was of Reverend Harry Neil Snelling, the former vicar of Clapham. He disappeared in October 1978 and his body was not found until 3 years later. English coroners ruled open verdicts in all three cases. Tim Withers was jailed for all four murders after he was found guilty. In September 1981, Jillian Matthews - a homeless schizophrenic - disappeared. Her body was discovered 6 weeks later. She had been strangled and sexually assaulted.

In their 1987 book The Demonic Connection Toyne Newton, Charles Walker and Alan Brown claimed that Clapham Wood had been used by a satanic cult called the Friends of Hecate (FoH). Part of the book dealt with an incident in 1978 when Charles Walker is said to have been contacted by an initiate of the group, who claimed that it was responsible for the sacrificial slaughter of dogs and other animals. The man said that the FoH planned to use the wood for at least another decade before finding other locations, and he claimed that people in high places were involved, and would tolerate no interference in the group's activities. Walker claimed that the cult was later forced to leave the area due to a combination of press attention and a storm, known as Great Storm of 1987, which damaged large tracts of the wood the year that the book was published. - /

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