Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dogman Entity - North Central Texas - SRI

North Central Texas - 1/5/11 - Spirit Rescue International was contacted by a very reliable source asking us to try and locate a portal on her land which she suspects has been opening up. The client herself has also seen what appears to be a black creature which was also witnessed by a neighbour at a different time.

The neighbour also reports a car driving along the road that came to a sudden halt parallel to the creature then sped away at high speed, could it be that the cars occupants also have witnessed the creature.

The following day the client went to the position of the sighting to take photos, as she approached the area she at once became fearful, the atmosphere had changed her gut feeling told her to get away and she fled back to the house. This lady is very level headed and doe's not get scared easily.

This is about all we have at the moment. We do not like to be given to many details before a remote view. This sounds like it is going to be a very interesting one though.

As soon as we can, this RV will take place. The target will be a stretch of land that extends to 19 acres...Irene


Remote View Notes

Irene and I conducted a remote view on this case today, 1/10/11.

Irene set the target coordinates for me and monitored the session. We systematically executed 4 phases in order to perceive the target and to gather as much information possible. This session would be a bit different than previous remote views due to the large area involved as well as the uncertainty as to what I was hoping to perceive.

In Phase 1, the coordinates (a set of two - four digit numbers) were given to me...from which an ideogram (a graphic symbol that represents an idea or concept) was developed. The target was a chosen point in real time which may have been related to the sightings at the location. By probing the ideogram, 'descriptors' (the function of describing) were used to determine the nature of the target. Several attempts with the same target coordinates were done in order to get a average assessment. In this case, the descriptors were varied and did not offer has much information as desired.

In Phase 2, the target vignette was narrowed by probing for sounds, textures, temperatures, colors, luminescence, contrast and smells. Through this information I was able to focus in on any verticals, horizontals, diagonals, topography, mass and energetics as well as my overall 'feeling' of the target. As in Phase 1, my sense of the target was varied and unclear though a few bits of information were coming into view.

In Phase 3, I made a rough sketch or drawing of what I was perceiving. At this point, the sketch was assumed to be a 'portal'. The description of the portal from Phase 2 was that of a 'dark to light blue colored space that varied in size, shape and luminescence....a sulfur smell was present as well as the sensation of something slick and fluid to the touch'.

In Phase 4, I went into a deeper perception of the target. This included sense, magnitudes, emotions, physicals, subspace, viewer feeling, concepts and deductions. There were other specifics used, but at this point there was no systematic procedure needed because the observations were beginning to flood in. I immediately started to sense an entity present...described as a low-to-the-ground creature moving around the location. This entity was dark colored, canine in appearance but also possessed some human-like features. There was hair on the face and back but the rest of the body was hairless with a dark colored 'sheen' on the skin.

As I probed deeper into the target I sensed that (in real time) it was dusk and that seemed to be the time that this entity moved through the portal onto the surface plane. The creature noticed me and suddenly turned away...an attempt to avoid looking directly at me. There was no malevolence detected.

I had previously detected an underground route or cavern that allowed this entity to move undetected at fairly lengthy distances to other portals along the way. As well, there is a very good possibility that this is a multidimensional being...though, there does seem to be some physical aspects to it.

This area of Texas was inhabited by the Comanche Nation, so we will be considering some of their legends when researching this location...Lon


This illustration is very similar to the entity perceived. Photo: Manataka (Arkansas) Indian Council - Legends of Old Dog-Chief

I contacted the client not long after the remote view session in order to get their thoughts and assessments. (NOTE: the client has known psychic ability and is a forensic artist)

The client verified that this entity does 'come out' at dusk and has been seen by several other witnesses at this location. This location also has natural gas reservoirs. One of the nearby natural gas heads has been leaking off and on...and that a 'sulfur' smelling additive indicates that the apparatus is leaking. As well, the general area has connecting oil fields...all open space underground would easily contain crude oil at various levels. (This may explain the 'dark colored sheen' on the creature).

The client was adamant that they sensed that I was at the location during the period of the remote view session.

The client has expressed that they do not want the entity moved because they feel it is a 'protector' and it should remain where it is comfortable. I wholeheartedly agree. The client and their family are of native American heritage and aware of the relationship between the spirit and natural world. They wanted to get a better sense of this entity in order to reassure those who also live on the premises...Lon


Client photo of the portal area and where the entity was seen at dusk

The following is an update from the client:

I just realized why you saw the portal as "a dark to light colored blue fluid gateway". We had a lot of rain before you did the remote view and there was standing water in the area where the portal was last seen. As you saw it in the light of dusk (sky was cloudy and gray), and with all that standing water, it would probably cause it to look lighter.

The portal itself is dark (pitch black), however I forgot to mention that I saw a reddish light, right at dark, just a few nights ago, in an area just south of where (name redacted) saw the portal. This was just a flash of red light, just above the ground. I could not make out anything else, as the surroundings were already dark. I felt that something emerged from that spot.

Could this be the entity that I saw looking in through my patio door? It was humanoid, not very large and pitch black. I only saw it's eyes for an instant, that's where I first got the sense of a lupine. The eyes were a dark yellow color but unlike a wolf, the eyes did not reflect light. It looked right at me, then vanished. You did not describe the color of the entity...was it dark and did you see it's eyes when it looked towards you?

I have a feeling that it watches me. I am not afraid of *it* but I am afraid to some extent, of what else is lurking out there. Perhaps that is why it is here? To guard me and others from something else?

Very accurate. I am very impressed with your abilities. You were dead on in your assessment. Thank you so much! Please send my regards to Irene, as well.

NOTE: I feel that this is the same entity that I encountered. I mentioned to Irene that it did change facial features at least once while I observed it. The entity was very dark in color including the other features I made note of. I plan to research possible similar sightings in this region as well as Comanche and Wichita Nation legends. It does have a similarity to the Skin Walker stories, but there is a multidimensional aspect to this entity as opposed to a mystical perspective. You can following SRI cases at Astral Perceptions...though, you must register to access the information. Any thoughts or information would be appreciated...Lon

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