Monday, December 20, 2010

Biologist Convinced Sasquatch Legend Genuine

The author of a new book on Sasquatch believes the creature is alive and well and even living here on Vancouver Island. "The Discovery of the Sasquatch" is the second book penned by wildlife biologist John Bindernagel who, despite never seeing the creature himself, is considered one of the world's leading experts on Bigfoot.

Bindernagel says his latest book was seven years in the making and he was compelled to publish it to try to make the subject less "taboo" within the scientific community. The author also hopes awareness of the book will make it easier for members of the public who may be eyewitnesses to come forward.

Bindernagel says bigfoot sightings are more common than people realize but are often immediately discounted. He also predicts there are several people who have seen the creature but are afraid to talk about their encounters because they may have had bad experiences when recounting those sightings to friends or spouses.

From Bindernagel's website: "Does the sasquatch exist or not? Discussions about the sasquatch usually bog down on this question. People who believe that it exists generally point to reports by credible observers of a huge, apelike animal. People who dispute the sasquatch's existence, and the validity of reported sightings, usually raise objection such as the similarity of the typical sasquatch description to a human in a fur suit, or even to a bear standing on its hind legs. They may go on to point out the unlikelihood of such a large animal finding enough food to sustain itself in the forests of North America, the difficulty of rare animals maintaining a viable breeding population, and the paucity of records."

"As a wildlife biologist I have approached the existence of the sasquatch in the same way I would assess the existence of any large mammal, be it the grizzly bear, black bear, or mountain gorilla. My interest in the sasquatch begins at that point in the discussion when a skeptic finally asks, "If it does exist, what does it eat? How does it behave? And how does it survive the winter?" Having accepted the available eyewitness evidence, corroborated by tracks and track casts, as sufficient to document the existence of the sasquatch, I feel that these are the questions we should now be addressing."

"I am now satisfied with the available evidence for the existence of the sasquatch in North America. My view is that not only do we have sufficient evidence to treat the sasquatch as an extant North American mammal, but that we already know a great deal about its anatomy, behaviour and ecology."

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