Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reader Mail: Dentist Office Ghost, Fascinating Orbs and Was He Our Son?

The following are a few anecdotes sent to me recently:

In 1958, my wife and I were living near Baltimore MD. We had just gotten married. One late afternoon we were walking in a park near the Gunpowder River when suddenly and without any warning we were lifted up by some type of powerful force into a room that had a huge window. As we look out the window we could see thousands of stars. We were frightened and assumed we were not on Earth anymore. I could not remember anything after that until I heard my wife screaming and we were again pulled back to the same place in the park.

We kept the incident secret since that time. We never even told our son for a specific reason. My wife, who recently passed away, found out she was pregnant a few days after the incident in the park. This was odd because this should not have happened for reasons I won't go into other than to say that she gave birth to my son 5 months later. He was perfectly healthy. The doctors figured that my wife had been pregnant longer than she thought but we knew that this was not the case.

We had anyways wondered if he was our biological son but never had tests performed. I suppose we didn't want to know.

In 1990, my son simply disappeared without a trace. Quite frankly, he was very eccentric but had a brilliant mind and put it to good use in his profession. The circumstances of his disappearance have never been answered. He left all his possessions and property as we remembered.

In 2005, my wife received a telephone call from someone she did not recognize. The caller said that my son was fine and happy. The caller also said not to worry and that we would be with him very soon. This telephone comforted us for an unknown reason.

I suppose I am writing you in order to find out if others have had a similar experience? I do believe my son was taken by other beings that you write about on your blog. I appreciate your time and consideration. John


Hi - I wanted to tell you about a sighting I had. Went to a new dentist that is housed in an old house. The rooms are somewhat like they used to be but have different functions. I was waiting for the hygienist to come back after x-rays and was looking around the room. I looked out the doorway and didn't see the desk and wall but saw a darkish figure leaning against the wall looking at me. I didn't see a face but knew instinctively it was looking in my direction. I looked away and when I looked back the hallway was the way I remembered. Didn't say anything to the staff since I am open to anything paranormal but this was something I needed to process.

A few days later I called to make another appt. and asked if the office was haunted and was told to hold. A lady got on the phone and asked me what my experience was and said yes, the office was haunted by the 'lady in white'. The story is that the house was built in 1929 and was occupied by a lady named Harriet who either was a widow or single but was the town socialite. The local university was once a law school at that time and she would entertain the law students by inviting the local girls from across the street. There was a soda shop, which is now a jewelry store, which was very popular. Her house was always full of company and there were lots of parties. The lady told me she has been seen several times but is particular about who she reveals herself to and I must be special (I am single but 60 haha) for her to have shown herself. Awesome experience. Can't wait to go back. Dody


Hello Lon,

I'd like to relate a story to you and see what your take is on it. I read a story the other day about a young lady who had just about the same dream a few times, not so much a repeat, but the same place the same people.

While riding with some friends she noticed a house that looked just like the one in her dreams. she had them stop and she knocked on the door. One of the people who answered the door, screamed and said your the ghost that has been haunting our house.

I've had some odd dreams over the years that I really thought I was actually there watching what was happening, in real time. Here's one such dream.

I was sitting in the back seat of a car, there were two people in the front and a girl in the back seat sitting in the middle leaning on the front seat talking to the people in the front. It was late one night, it was misting and cold, the street lights were a dim yellow orange. I could see the mist swirling around the lights in the light wind. We finally pulled into a driveway of an older home and went in. The house had wood floors and didn't have much furniture. I followed these three in the house and I sat down at the kitchen table.

I never spoke to anyone and they never acted like I was even there. The man was putting things on the table to eat and one of the girls sat down in the chair I was sitting in, that's when I woke up.

Could it be we travel in our sleep and some of these ghosts people see and hear are other people traveling in their sleep? I've had many dreams like this that I can remember from start to finish.

One more dream I had was two days after my brother passed away. We always said who ever died first would contact the other if possible. The dream goes like this.

My brother and I were in a car driving on a mountain road. My brother was driving and it was a shear drop off on his side. Needless to say he drove over the side. As the car was bumping and bouncing down the mountain it came to a stop heading in the right direction on a two lane blacktop street.

My brother was no longer in the car and I was driving. I had to stop at a stop sign a few feet down the street. There was a girl across the street on the corner across from me. My window was down and just as I was about to pull away she said, wait. She walked up to my window and held her closed hand up and asked if I would like to see what she had, I said sure.

She opened her hand and there was a leopard frog in it. Not just any frog but one with hair of mink, a light brown color hair. It was a perfect frog with mink hair, if you can imagen that. Whats odd about this is when we were very young and went fishing with our parents we would look for these type frogs. They were few and hard to find and who ever saw one first, won. No prize, just won.

My brother would be the only person I know that could think up something like that, to let me know he was doing fine and everything was alright. I don't believe I have ever heard of anyone speak of this type frog and we never did after we got a little older.

This brings me to another thought. I've always wondered about this for sometime, especially since listening to the stories about Marley Woods, Hudson Valley, the Pine Barrens and the Skinwalker Ranch and other sites around the country.

Could it be the Monks in Tibet can get into deep meditation and project themselves to different places, maybe take on different forms or manifest themselves to be some of these small balls of light, people see in these odd places?

These Monks maintain they can travel to different places and see whats happening, like remote viewing ? They have been doing this for centuries and if any group of people can do this, I believe they can.

In Tibet, they have some very strange looking deities, "cryptoids". Some even look like biped looking animals such as the one that looks like a big walking dog or large hairy type creature with a dog face and standing up on dog looking legs.

I really wish a group would go to Tibet and check these things out. There's more to Tibet and these Monks than we have ever found out about. UFOs are always flying around in the mountains there. What about the big one that crashed there a few thousand years ago? And on and on about Tibet. Perry


Hi Lon,

I have been following Phantoms and Monsters since the summer and enjoy it very much, thank you.

I'd like to tell you about a strange sighting my son and I had on 10/11/2010 at around 5p.m. Neither of us are particularly interested in U.F.O.'S and my son is a complete sceptic.

We were at home in Torquay and I had gone upstairs to my son's room with some laundry when I happened to glance out of his window to see if the moon was visible yet; it wasn't, as most of the sky was covered with broken cloud, but there was clear sky low in the west and south. I noticed a small, black cloud just above the s.s.w horizon which looked just like a drawing of a comet; the "head" was a small black dot while the "tail" looked more like a contrail, only much shorter than normal, black, and pointing steeply towards the ground. At first it appeared to be stationary, but as I watched I realised that it was moving slowly downwards and also northwards, against the wind.

I pointed it out to my son as a weird cloud/contrail, and he looked at it through binoculars. As we watched, the "cloud" split into three parts; the head moved downwards, the tail upwards, while the mid section darkened and became more distinct. All three objects began to change position in relation to the horizon, becoming more horizontal. These changes happened in a matter of seconds. The objects also seemed to grow bigger, but did not appear to be coming closer to our viewpoint.

The appearance of the objects continued to change. They now appeared completely solid, thin, and angular, the three separate sections seeming to form part of a whole. It looked something like the kind of kite used for parascending. At this point we could not decide if it was in front of or behind the hill which forms the skyline seen from our house; about half a mile away across a valley.

The object then seemed to break up into three or more separate sections which quickly fell behind the skyline, out of sight. They looked like thin metal bars falling vertically.

We wondered at the time if we were seeing some kind of plane crash, but it could not have been because this is a densely populated area and the debris would have fallen on houses and roads. There have been no reports in the local papers so far of anything connected with this.

There were no lights or signs of fire or smoke at any time while we were watching. The whole episode lasted about three minutes.

Any ideas? BuzzardLady

********** is an incident that I experienced. It was the Fall of 2007, my senior year at Western Carolina University. I had a class that was canceled, so I was free for the whole day. My roommate and I decided to go hiking at a place called Pinnacle Point in Sylva, NC. We were enjoying the hike and finally reached the top, pulled out a camping stove and proceeded to cook something to eat while we were up there.

As I was lighting the stove, my room mate says, "hey look at that! Is that a star?" I glanced at my watch before turning around, and noticed it was only around 3pm. I immediately thought it odd that a star could be seen at 3pm. I turned and saw what looked like a star in the sky, near the horizon and extremely bright. It just seemed odd looking however. I went back to my backpack and got out a pair of binoculars and started to look at this "star" through them. I immediately noticed that this was no star. Through the binoculars, as clear as day, I could see a huge silver orb floating in the sky, with the sun reflecting off of the top right side of it. I turned the binoculars over to my roommate who confirmed I was not seeing things. As we were watching this thing, we saw another one literally appear above and to the right of the original UFO. Then the original one simply faded away into nothing. Then it came back in a different location.

At this point we were both confused as to what we were seeing. An airplane flew into the same area of the sky, and we used its contrails as sort of a reference to see if these objects were stationary or moving. It seemed to me that they were perfectly stationary, not moving in any direction. We then noticed a third silver orb. We sat in awe and were fascinated by these gigantic metallic looking orbs in the sky. I remember how clearly we could see them. After 30 minutes of watching, all of these UFOs faded away one at a time. It was like they dissolved into thin air. Any ideas?