Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fortean / Oddball News: Santa Monica UFOs, Fire and Brimstone, Huge Objects Heading Towards Earth

Strange Sightings Over Santa Monica, CA

Click for video

This happened on December 1st, 2010 at 5:09pm on a walk in Santa Monica California. My wife and I were walking west about 17 blocks from the ocean when we saw these bizarre objects in the sky. It happened so fast, I barely was able to film… and I went off the objects to get a better vantage point, so only caught them for a brief moment at the beginning of the film. I really messed up the recording because I didn’t know how fast it would all happen. Fortunately I caught a brief moment of the objects using my iPhone. I have NO IDEA what they were… but as you can see… they were big and high in the air (seemingly over the ocean) and shooting off some kind of myst, contrail or light. The top one changed directions twice that you can see on the film if you forward through the beginning frame by frame. Both objects were dropping really fast. When I was walking across the street to get a better vantage point, the iPhone was unable to refocus the light, and you can’t really see much after I cross the street… but you can hear in my voice that the objects were weaving back and forth like the “Silver Surfer”. These things just dropped super fast. They had these crazy short contrails… and weaved back and forth as they dropped. There were not any planes visible that the objects could have been dropped out of… and WHAT THE HELL were the contrails coming off of them?!?! It really looked like the “Silver Surfer” from a cartoon. Crazy… and I have no idea what they were… but just wanted to share. I wish I had a better vantage point when I was filming. It does not look nearly as impressive on-screen, but I tell you that seeing it was totally wild and bizarre. At least you can see how about how big the objects were, what they looked like with the contrails, and that they were changing directions and dropping rapidly. I am just glad I caught even a moment of it on film. Anybody else see anything like this before? Anyone else see this that night in Santa Monica? Maybe someone knows what they were.


Claim: 3 Very Large Objects In Space Flying To Earth

SETI Astrophysicist Craig Kasnov has announced the approach to the Earth of 3 very large, very fast moving objects. The length of the "flying saucers" is in the range of tens of kilometers. Landing, according to calculations of scientists, should be in mid-December 2012. Date coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar.

A few very large objects rapidly approaching the Earth - says SETI astrophysicist Craig Kasnov. Don’t take his word for it you can check it out for yourself. He recommends to go to the site and enter the coordinates of the giant UFO:

19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object
16 19 35 -88 43 10 - a cylindrical object
02 26 39 -89 43 13 - the object as a circle

The project participants are assured that the facilities are absolutely real, and the American space agency NASA is trying to conceal important information.

None of these objects can be seen from the northern hemisphere. The second set of numbers in each line tells us that the "object" or "objects" is/are coming in from very deep in the southern hemisphere sky.


Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury cut down in 'strike at heart of Christianity'

swns - Callous vandals have destroyed one of the most celebrated Christian pilgrimage sites in Britain and chopped down a tree that can trace its roots back 2,000 years to the death of Jesus. The Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury, Somerset, is claimed to have sprouted from the staff of Joseph of Arimathea, who prepared the burial tomb for Jesus after lifting him off the cross. Thousands visit the site near Glastonbury Tor to pay homage and leave tokens of worship – but many were left in tears on Thursday after finding the tree cut to a stump.

The sacred tree is unique in that it blossoms twice a year – at Christmas and Easter – and sprigs taken from the thorn are sent to The Queen each year for the festive table. Vandals had hacked off the branches of the iconic tree, leaving just part of the trunk remaining – and dumped the remains of its proud thorns on the ground. Police believe religious fanatics may have deliberately targeted the holy site - visited by thousands of pilgrims each year – overnight.

Locals wept openly at the foot of the historic tree, on the town’s Wearyall Hill opposite its world-famous Tor, as they struggled to contain their emotion. Katherine Gorbing, curator of Glastonbury Abbey, said: ”The mindless vandals who have hacked down this tree have struck at the heart of Christianity. It holds a very special significance all over the world and thousands follow in the footsteps of Joseph Arimathea, coming especially to see it.

”It is the most significant of all the trees planted here and can be linked back to the origins of Christianity. When I arrived at the Abbey this morning you could look over to the hill and see it was not there. It’s a great shock to everyone in Glastonbury – the landscape of the town has changed overnight.”


Kawah Ijen by Night - Photographer Olivier Grunewald has recently made several trips into the sulfur mine in the crater of the Kawah Ijen volcano in East Java, Indonesia, bringing with him equipment to capture surreal images lit by moonlight, torches, and the blue flames of burning molten sulfur. Covered last year in the Big Picture (in daylight), the miners of the 2,600 meter tall (8,660ft) Kawah Ijen volcano trek up to the crater, then down to the shore of a 200-meter-deep crater lake of sulfuric acid, where they retrieve heavy chunks of pure sulfur to carry back to a weighing station. Mr. Grunewald has been kind enough to share with us the following other-worldly photos of these men as they do their hazardous work under the light of the moon. (30 photos total) - Kawah Ijen by Night