Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jean de Rignies and the Bugarach

I received the following reply to my previous post The Village and the Magic Mountain. I truly appreciate that the reader took the time to respond:

Subject: Bugarach, France

Hello Lon,

I am a French speaking, English educated Belgian, living in southern France since 1987.

I know the Cathar country and the Pech du Bugarach very well. I live some 400 km farther north but spend a few days in the Corbières region every year; I have friends there.

I hope you will accept some comments about your 21 Dec. issue on the subject.


The “local man who has since died” whom the Mayor Delord refers to was Jean de Rignies. He was a good friend of mine and a remarkable man. He lived in a beautiful secluded valley on the far side of the mountain ridge just north of and facing the Bugarach. A few hundred meters from his house (which he built himself) is the spring of a little river called the Salz.

This name alludes to the fact that the water is often salty, depending probably on local weather conditions. It is well known that gold has traditionally been associated with salt, a real fact not only linked with alchemy. The region is full of cavities, some well known, some obstructed and many yet unexplored. The Romans, at the time of their empire, have left evidence of gold mining there, and the Knights Templar have supposedly used abandoned Roman mines to hide the treasures they purportedly brought back from the Temple of Jerusalem. This of course is one of the reasons why so many people, some estimable, many less so, have been digging all over the place for the past century. This is also linked to the mystery of Rennes-le-Château and l’Abbé Saunière. One of the best reads on the matter is The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by M.Baigent, R.Leigh and H.Lincoln. But this is another very large topic.

Back to Jean de Rignies. He has seen many strange things and lived many remarkable experiences, all of which I completely trust his word for. UFO’s are so common they did not even surprise him. One huge triangular object once floated above his house for a couple of hours and was seen by several people who lived there. In fact, many local people are used to witness UFO’s, but are reluctant to talk because they get tired of being bothered by curious tourists and strangers and because the subject is ill considered by authorities. On one occasion I arrived at Jean’s house and he said: “You should have been here a fortnight ago, a large flying saucer has landed in a field just next to Sougraigne” (a nearby village). He showed me photographs of the gendarmes who had fenced the field off with coloured ribbon while they were collecting soil samples. We went there. The grass and earth had been scorched in a perfectly circular ring about 10 cm wide and 14 m diameter. It was still clearly visible two weeks later, even though sheep had been grazing there since. There had been several witnesses of the landing, Canadians and Belgian tourists. They reported the sighting to the gendarmes; much to their detriment because they got into trouble with the Préfecture of Carcassonne, were required to leave the country and keep their mouths shut.

Soon after settling in the Domaine de la Salz decades ago, Jean discovered a vertical square cut shaft among the rocks not far from his house. Together with his son, (whom I know), they dropped a rock down the shaft and listened. Several seconds later came a noise, which echoed like a shock on metal plating. Judging by the time it took the sound to return, Jean estimated the shaft to be well over 100m deep. They decided to come back with professional speleologists and special equipment to explore the shaft. But there was some delay preparing the expedition, and when they came back the opening had completely disappeared. Conclude what you will! Deep underground muffled rumbling sounds akin to a rotary press or some machinery were often heard in the vicinity of the house. Jean had not a doubt about the existence of a very large UFO and/or ET underground base beneath the valley of the Salz, and presumably within the nearby Bugarach as well. Other absolutely reliable and knowledgeable persons have confirmed this to me.

Jean told me many things I cannot relate here. Among others I shall just mention a time shift he experienced when coming out of a cavern he had been exploring. His presence of mind saved him from being moved into another century. His personal origin is a history in itself. He was linked to the family of the Tsar Nicolas Romanov and brought up in France under the auspices of Papus. None of the people who used to live at the Salz are there now. The house is fenced in, guarded by a foreign watchman and three threatening dogs. But the spring of the Salz, a few hundred meters uphill, is accessible and much visited by hikers.

As for the experience by Alain and Marie-France, though I have not met them personally, I had early confirmation of this by an acquaintance that is a friend of theirs.

This said I wish to convey a message to readers.

- The cover up on UFO’s and ET’s by French authorities and media is one of the worst and, to my mind, stupidest in the world because so obvious. In a very near future this will irresistibly break out in public and the government - all governments - will be forced into hypocritical and idle explanations.

- I entirely agree with Valerie Austin. The peculiar strangeness and reputation of the Cathar country is detrimental to the peacefulness of this most beautiful region and to its residents. Both should be respected.

- It is true that the tragic history of the Occitan civilisation and its total destruction by fanatic cross bearers and greedy northern princes is one of the most important events in our civilisation. The Pech du Bugarach and neighbouring countryside are indeed endowed with a high level of both physical and spiritual vibration. One has to be healthy of mind to live there.

- New Age fans, sects and all sorts of pseudo-religious worshippers should urgently shake off their 2012 winter solstice Armageddon obsession and keep to their homes. Whether or not there will be catastrophes is totally uncertain, but if it is the case there will not be a single safe place on Earth, not even on top of the Bugarach. That the planet and humanity are about to experience major changes is, to my mind, a certainty and inevitable; in fact if you keep your mind open it has already started. But I believe it will most importantly happen on a spiritual, or if you prefer “paranormal”, level. True spirituality need not bother with religions, which are instruments of power. The coming mutation will concern each individual and to each in keeping with his or her degree of consciousness. Wherever one may be, each individual will be in the right place at the right time. What will happen depends not on where you are but on what you are.

And remember: faith has nothing to do with belief, it has everything to do with trust.

NOTE: Amazing analogy to our future...very much mirrors my thoughts on the subject. Lon

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