Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reader Mail: UFO Searchlight, Hauntings and Alternative Realities

I recently received reader narratives that referenced several interesting past experiences:

Dear Lon,

Early August, 1984 my daughter and her classmate and I were headed home from cheerleading practice by car, southwest out of Caribou, Maine (Aroostook County), at about 9:30 p.m. The early evening summer sky was already quite dark, and I observed to my right a large, bright object in the sky very close to the horizon and moving slowly east. I kept a keen eye on the light, and at one point it stopped, and then it moved very quickly east at a more rapid speed than it had been traveling, almost like it had been shot out of a cannon. Then it reversed direction and traveled back to where it had been before. This erratic movement made me curious as to what I was watching.

As I moved along the road through woods and farmland, up and down and around curves, I tried to keep up with the object, and as I rounded a turn and made for the straightaway ahead, the object approached us on the right in a slow and deliberate manner. I crossed through an intersection and came to a complete stop to watch the object in the sky cross over us from right to left about thirty to fifty feet above my car. Our car windows were rolled down, and there was no sound at all.

The aircraft appeared to be egg-shaped or round with an unorganized array of lights, mostly amber-orange, red, and white covering the outside. It appeared to be from fifty to 100 feet high. A large beam of light was directed down from the bottom of the craft like a search light, and it was whipping back and forth as if it was searching the stand of trees as it flew over.

The craft disappeared into the woods east of us, and we did not see it again. Needless to say, we were all VERY shook up and were not really sure what we had actually seen. I did not report this sighting to anyone, but I have witnesses in my daughter and her classmate to corroborate this amazing event.


My mother was quite an attractor of ghosts, and I have many stories to share about growing up but the one that sticks in my mind is the time my father brought home an old door. This was in the late 1950s or early 1960s. He'd found it it on top of a heap of trash in front of an old house that was being demolished in Northeast Philadelphia and brought it home.

Dad had been doing some renovations to the second floor of our home in Levittown, PA and he needed the door to close off his and Mom's bedroom from the upstairs hallway. The second floor was actually a half-story with slanted walls starting about three feet from the floor leaving a crawl space under the eaves. My sister and I shared the other bedroom on the same floor. Our room contained an access panel to this crawl space that ran along the entire front of the house from our room across the stairway and into my parent's room. They slept in twin beds with their headboards right up against the crawl space.

The first night after Dad hung the door, around 3:00 a.m., we were all awakened by loud pounding coming from the crawl space directly behind my mother's headboard. Everyone jumped out of bed! My father ran into our room with a flashlight and removed the access panel. We were petrified, but when he shone the light inside the crawl space, he saw nothing. He was even brave enough to enter the crawl space but didn't find anything out of place. Dad said it might be something hitting the roof, a tree branch perhaps, and he'd check it out in the morning.

We all went back to bed and about a half-hour later we were all awakened again by loud pounding! Again, Dad checked the crawl space and then went outside finding nothing on the roof or the lawn. Now we were really scared. And for the next week, every night the pounding happened. We were all exhausted.

Finally, my mother told Dad to take the door out. She said she thought it was haunted! We all laughed, but she was serious. She told us spirits could attach themselves to an object, and this one followed the door to our house. Grumbling all the while, Dad removed the door, and Mom insisted he chop it up and burn it. He did, and the pounding stopped! We all wonder who is the spirit and why was he or she was so angry? Probably didn't like being installed in a house in the 'burbs is my guess.

By the way, I am a well-educated woman with a master's degree, former college instructor, and have my own design business. Connie


Hi...For a couple of years now I've been experiencing some strange things. For the last eight years I've lived in Cape Town, South Africa. The last three years, I shared a flat with my then girlfriend until she moved out and I was left all by myself. I had a feeling that the flat was haunted as I kept getting these weird feelings that we were not alone.

One night I was convinced that I heard someone walking through the flat, my ex didn't hear anything, although you are able to hear the people putting the switches on and off downstairs in their flat, you can tell the difference between walking and the switching off lights on and off. One day I had a friend over for dinner and she was standing in the doorway, and told that she had just seen a woman floating through the lounge through the wall leading to the bedroom, I never saw her. Then two nights in a row at midnight, my TV came on all by itself on a channel I don't watch and the volume was on 30, which is to loud too watch. I checked the timer and the it wasn't set as I never set the timer on the TV.

I'm now living in Mauritius, married and happy, but two years ago my step-father passed away, and I'm seeing more and more Shadow People. I don't why and the thing is I don't feel scared at all, even with the earlier experiences that I have mentioned. But one night, I was sitting at the PC surfing the net, and put everything off, in the doorway leading outside I saw the shape of something, a partial white outline of something in the doorway. It was definitely not a reflection, that was the first thing I checked, then I went to the lounge and was standing behind the couch and heard this voice whisper something in my ear. I couldn't make out whose voice it was, I turned but there was no one there except me.

After turning everything off I started going upstairs and felt this cool breeze brush past my leg, I looked down and nothing. Another time I had a fight with mother, and went to surf the internet, now I'm positive that in the corner of my eye I saw someone walk up to me, I just ignored it, and carried on staring at the PC. A bit later I turned around and there was no one there, all that time I thought it was my mother.

In all the things that have happened 9 to 10 times I'm not scared at all, but definitely curious. I have also found out that there are some haunted houses around where I stay, so I will try and investigate and let you know what I get, pictures and video footage if possible.



In the 1980's my ex-wife & I, in California were driving from the SF bay area on our way to Reno. We stopped half way to eat a meal (lunch?). We liked the cafe so much that I wrote down the location and took a book of matches before we left. On the return trip, we could not locate the cafe. I looked for the matches for the name & address, it was missing! On future trips we could not find it. I later found out from talking to residents that it had burned down a decade before we came the first time. Weird. Then I may have read a similar story about that place. Near Alburn, not sure now.

During my time in the military in 1969 or 1970, in Kansas my buddies & I drove a long way to a town. We drove from Ft. Riley. We drove for about three hours. Half way there, we saw an old western town and thought it would be cool to visit on our return trip. Ghost town, but looked very active, with wagons being driven, etc. We were driving east and it was about 1/4 mile from the highway to the right. We had to mark it by road signs as there was nothing out there for miles. Upon our return, it was nowhere to be found. David

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