Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fortean / Oddball News: China's Wild Man Real Deal, NASA Screw Up and Orange Diamond UFOs

China's Wild Man could be real deal

cfzaustralia - The Shennongjia Nature Reserve in Hubei province has examined a strand of hair which it has not managed to identify, prompting local people to speculate that it may belong to the 'Wild Man' aka the Yeren, China's own Bigfoot!

Piao Jinlan, a researcher at the reserve, said that scientists need to continue their tests before they could identify the species. The hair is said to be thicker than human hair and thinner than horsetail hair, and the reserve posted a photo on its website on November 22.

More than 400 people have claimed to have seen the half-man, half-ape "Wild Man" in the area in the last 100 years. Witnesses describe the creature as walking upright, more than 2 meters tall and with grey, red or black hair all over its body.

An investigative team was set up in 2009 and started a large-scale search for the mysterious creature in Shennongjia this year.

And there's this from the CFZ archives: As far back as 1981 people were pondering alleged Wild Man 'nests, hair, tracks and faeces...


Orange Diamonds Over New Zealand

wanganuichronicle - Mysterious orange lights in the sky south of Wanganui just after midnight on Saturday have more than 20 Wanganui East residents convinced they have seen a fleet of UFOs.

They even called the police, and an officer checked their reports of orange lights shaped like diamonds flying across the sky. The officer, who was unavailable for comment, saw the last of the lights before they disappeared heavenward.

Adam Johnson, of Mawae St, was celebrating his birthday with a barbecue and a large group of friends.

He'd just been out to his garage and as he had been walking back he saw the lights, he said.

"They were amazing. They looked like diamond kites flying everywhere."

He had rushed inside and got everyone out to make sure it wasn't just him seeing the "UFOs".

Guest Cherie Lamb said the lights looked as though they had been flying towards South Beach.

"It was exactly one minute past midnight and it was an amazing sight. There were about 14 lights, I think. I've never ever seen anything like it. We know that it wasn't an Army exercise or anything."

Another Wanganui East resident, Koert Wegman, who was at a different address, said where he lived in Kiwi St people had a pretty good view of the sky because there was not a lot of light pollution.

"There was a number of orange lights, all moving up and then horizontally across the sky.

They were in bunches of six at a time, one after the other, then later every single one got to a certain point in the sky and fizzled out."

A spokesman for the Carter Observatory said yesterday that no one there could comment because they were having a "catastrophe" and asked the Chronicle to call back and speak to an astronomer today.


NASA sells PC with restricted Space Shuttle data

theregister - NASA officials failed to wipe sensitive agency data from computers before releasing them to the public, a violation of procedures that are part of the plan to securely end the Space Shuttle program, an audit released on Tuesday said.

Kennedy Space Center in Florida – one of four NASA sites with reported weaknesses in the disposition process – cleared the release of 14 computers to the public that had failed tests to verify data had been destroyed, the report found. Of the four that remained in NASA's possession, one contained Space Shuttle related data that was subject to export control by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations. The audit, prepared by NASA's Inspector General, covered a 12-month period starting in June 2009.

“The weaknesses we identified in NASA's IT sanitization policy and procedures put NASA at risk of releasing sensitive information that could cause harm to its mission and violate federal laws and regulations that protect such information,” the report stated.

The investigators also found hard drives that were missing from Kennedy and the Langley Research Center in Virginia. Some of the hard drives were later found inside a publicly accessible dumpster.

Inspectors also found “several pallets of computers” at a disposal facility that still “contained external markings with NASA's Internet Protocol addresses.” The report concluded that the lapses stemmed from a combination of of inadequacies in NASA policy and failures to comply with that policy.

NASA's chief information officer has already agreed to update the sanitization policy, but even that didn't fully satisfy inspectors.

“Moreover, we are troubled that management's response does not reflect the sense of urgency we believe is required to address the serious security issues uncovered by our audit,” the report continued. “Accordingly, we consider the recommendations to be unresolved.”


Rick Phillips Presents - The 2010 Barf Stew Awards - For ParaNormal And More

Hello all, welcome to the first annual Barf Stew Awards or what you can call the BS Awards. Now, today's list will feature the kinds of links that simply fit the category of Barf Stew. Meaning, the links are meant to be outrageous with just a smidgen of possible truth. Go to The 2010 Barf Stew Awards


Someone Didn't Plan This Out Too Well....

Click for video