Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'Gargoyle Watch' in Southwest Puerto Rico

A photo capture of a supposed 'gargoyle'

Scott Corrales of Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology recently posted the following translation from Preocupa al alcalde de Guánica búsqueda de la gárgola:

Martin Vargas Morales, the mayor of Guánica, asked the general population to remain calm and cautious, while at the same time making [UFO contactee] Reinaldo Rios and Canovanas Mayor José “Chemo” Soto responsible for any accident or mishap that may occur on the premises of the old sugar mill during the “gargoyle watch” convened for this evening.

“The site is very dark and is a structure in ruins from which pieces are braking off daily. Neither Rios nor Soto will be able to halt the flow of persons to the interior of the facilities and I fear that an accident may occur, given that the there are easy points of access that cannot be controlled. It’s an irresponsible act by both of them,” said the Mayor in a written statement.

The municipal leader highlighted that there are persons seeking headlines and benefits from exposure in the communications media. “Allegations by people who have supposedly seen strange things in the old mill are taken seriously, but they must be clarified responsibly without creating spectacles that endanger the lives of persons whose curiosity may lead them to the site,” he stated.

A Gargoyle in Puerto Ensenada

Mayor Martin Vargas Morales further noted that he found the subject of alleged apparitions in the sugar mill curious, as they have occurred after the Planning Board approved the Puerto Ensenada project.

“There are people who have stated their reservations about the project. Others know that construction of Puerto Ensenada represents a giant step for our administration, and would not like to see it carried out, with the economic benefits that its construction and operation would bring, creating over 12,000 jobs,” notes Martin Vargas.

Vargas says that project investors are on the planning board and are very interested in transferring their capital to Guánica. “The actions of these two characters will not cause the developers to waver. They will not deteriorate the image of that historic location. The project is a reality that will benefit thousands of families, not only in Guánica but in the entire area.”

NOTE: here is another excellent reference to this phenomena - THE CHUPACABRA: A Bizarre "New" Creature...Lon


Posted at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Source: El Nuevo Dia - Puerto Rico Hoy section
Date : 29 August 2010
Reported by: Pedro Bosque Pérez

The Gargoyle vs. The Chupacabras

A strange creature with wings resembling those of a bat and which has been dubbed “the Gargoyle” has attacked several animals and even a human, according to reports issued by residents of Guánica.

Attacks by the “Gargoyle” resemble those of the mythic Chupacabras to a certain extent, given that it operates under cover of darkness and allegedly exsanguinates its victims.

Some people have identified it with the Chupacabras, yet others believe it is a differnt, elusive and sinister entity whose lair is in Barrio Ensenada, amid the ruins and tunnels of the Guanica Sugar Mill, where the skeletons of its victims can be found.

The Gargoyle’s exploits have gone on for many years, mostly in Guánica, but in Lajas and San Germán as well.

The creature has been seen by people who have opted to avoid making formal complaints to the Police, fearing they’ll be considered mentally disturbed or subjected to scorn. With the exception of one policeman and a schoolteacher who researchers strange phenomena, the other parties involved refused authorization to disclose their names.

A gargoyle is a mythic entity, a mixture of human and bird, represented by stone statues. These are placed on the cornises of cathedrals and other buildings.

A Human Is Attacked

“He was injured in his stomach, his [abdominal] fat could be seen,” noted a witness, describing the injuries suffered by a man on his belly and back, caused as if by “an animal’s claws.”

The witness soberly expalined that the wounded man lifted the t-shirt he put on after the attack, saying that a “large winged” animal took him by surprise in his back yard and attacked him.

The injured party, surnamed Valdo, also spoke to policemen patrolling the area where the attack took place, near Guánica Lagoon, in the mid-1990s.

Police officer Miguel Negrón states that he has not seen what is popularly referred to as the gargoyle, but two months ago, while patrolling the area with another officer near the old Guánica Sugar Mill, he heard the beating of powerful wings, as if something was propelling itself off the zinc roof of one of the mill’s cranes.

Agent Negrón indicated that some describe the gargoyle as a very large bird, emitting a sulfuric or rotten odor. It feeds on live animals like dogs, cats and horses, draining their blood and leaving them dry.

The creature goes forth at night or in the early morning hours, and for this reason there are few sightings. There are no photos or videos of the phenomenon, which attacks healthy animals, unlike a predator that seeks out sick or feeble animals.

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